Choke Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Choke Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Denny have rocks stored in Victor's house? Select the best answer.
(a) The stove.
(b) Nearly everywhere.
(c) The microwave.
(d) The fridge.

2. What does Victor finally choke on at the police station?
(a) A cheeseburger.
(b) A dime.
(c) A bottlecap.
(d) A paperclip.

3. What does Victor ask Paige in Chapter 36?
(a) If she's pregnant.
(b) If she will marry him.
(c) If she believes he is the second coming of Christ.
(d) If she's married.

4. Why is Victor on T.V.?
(a) His mother is dead.
(b) He wanted to make a public appearance.
(c) He is being arrested.
(d) He is at Denny's construction site.

5. What falls out of Paige Marshall's lab coat when she leans over Ida?
(a) Her patient bracelet.
(b) Ida's diary.
(c) Ida's will.
(d) Her right breast.

6. What does Victor do about Denny's ear wax?
(a) Gives him a cotton swab.
(b) Makes him an irrigating syringe.
(c) Makes an ear candle.
(d) Gives him a saline flush.

7. What does the woman Victor is with at work say people think Denny is building?
(a) A church.
(b) A mall.
(c) A hospital.
(d) A house.

8. What does Victor listen to of Ida's?
(a) Ida's radio.
(b) A message from Paige Marshall.
(c) Ida's T.V. news.
(d) Tapes from when his mother was a sex therapist.

9. Why does Victor think he couldn't have sex with Dr. Marshall?
(a) He likes her too much.
(b) She doesn't like him.
(c) She's married.
(d) He doesn't like her.

10. Why are Victor, Denny, and Beth watching the broadcast of Victor?
(a) Victor's mother wanted to watch it.
(b) Beth has recorded it.
(c) They are testifying in court.
(d) It's on all the channels.

11. Who leaves a message on Victor's answering machine?
(a) The police.
(b) Victor's mother.
(c) Denny.
(d) Paige Marshall.

12. What does Victor buy on the way to see his mother?
(a) Pudding.
(b) Candy.
(c) Soup.
(d) Flowers.

13. Where is Victor hiding at the girl's house?
(a) The closet.
(b) The basement.
(c) The shower.
(d) The dumpster.

14. What does Victor tell Ida he knows in Chapter 43?
(a) The truth about his birth.
(b) What Denny's building.
(c) How she stole him.
(d) Where Paige is from.

15. What does Victor ask Denny if he thinks he resembles?
(a) A husband -ike figure.
(b) A father-like figure.
(c) Jesus Christ.
(d) A sex addict.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ida reveal to Victor when she finally talks about his past?

2. Who does Ida tell Victor she wants to see in Chapter 36?

3. Where does Victor go at the end of the book?

4. What does Victor wonder in Chapter 38?

5. What does Denny say is the real name of the person with him at the building site?

(see the answer keys)

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