Choke Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Choke Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who leaves a message on Victor's answering machine?
(a) Denny.
(b) Paige Marshall.
(c) Victor's mother.
(d) The police.

2. What does Victor have on his head while he hides at the girl's house?
(a) A hat.
(b) A wig.
(c) A helmet.
(d) Pantyhose.

3. Where does Victor go at the end of the book?
(a) To the hospital.
(b) To see Denny.
(c) To jail.
(d) To sex addiction class.

4. What is in the device Victor and Denny push?
(a) Denny's rock.
(b) A case of beer.
(c) Groceries.
(d) A baby.

5. Who does Victor have a sexual encounter with while at work?
(a) Tanya.
(b) Niko.
(c) Leeza.
(d) Ursula.

6. What does the girl at the front desk do to Victor the third time he sees her?
(a) Have sex with him.
(b) Have him escorted from the property.
(c) Goes with him to see his mother.
(d) Have coffee with him.

7. What is Victor holding while he hides at the girl's house?
(a) A bat.
(b) A sword.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A knife.

8. What do Victor, Paige, Denny, and Beth do to end the book?
(a) Go get breakfast.
(b) Realize the wall will never be finished and quit.
(c) Rebuild the wall.
(d) Press charges against the mob.

9. Why does the girl yell at Victor when he comes out of hiding?
(a) For using her pantyhose.
(b) For forgetting his lines.
(c) For showing up too early.
(d) For not wearing nice enough cloths.

10. Where does the woman Victor is with at work say she saw Denny?
(a) At sex addiction meetings.
(b) At the hospital.
(c) On television.
(d) At the mall.

11. What does Victor ask Paige in Chapter 36?
(a) If she's married.
(b) If she will marry him.
(c) If she's pregnant.
(d) If she believes he is the second coming of Christ.

12. What do Victor and Denny drink while they walk around the neighborhood?
(a) Beer left for slugs.
(b) Wine from their cooler.
(c) Water from dog dishes.
(d) Beer from thier case.

13. Where is the girl who owns the house where Victor waits?
(a) The shower.
(b) The basement.
(c) The bedroom.
(d) Work.

14. What is the girls "safe word?"
(a) Stop.
(b) Poodle.
(c) Blueberry muffin.
(d) Paige Marshall.

15. What does Beth do while they watch the news broadcast of Victor?
(a) Ask Victor how his mother's doing.
(b) Take Victor's temperature.
(c) Have sex with Victor.
(d) Leave the room crying.

Short Answer Questions

1. What emotion does Ida say she has for Paige?

2. What does Victor realize half the people in the crowd know at the end of the book?

3. What does Victor do about Denny's ear wax?

4. What do the police tell Victor has happened to Paige?

5. What is Victor having trouble with while laying in the hay?

(see the answer keys)

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