Children of the Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of the Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many stories of the old part of the building where the "godproof computer network" is stored are identical?
(a) Eighteen.
(b) Five.
(c) Two.
(d) Six.

2. Hikari tells Yasujiro Tsutsumi that he is upset with all their people since they have forgotten the lesson of history? What is this lesson?
(a) Not to go into debt.
(b) Not to build too tall of buildings.
(c) Not to fall in love.
(d) Not to make war.

3. After Wang-mu calls Peter back when his aiua starts drifting away, who serves the two of them dinner?
(a) The mothertrees.
(b) Yasujiro Tsutsumi.
(c) The Samoans.
(d) The pequeninos.

4. Why does Jane say it is good Miro is not completely like Ender?
(a) Ender is not enough of a man for her.
(b) She thinks of Ender like a son and loves Miro like a lover.
(c) She never loved Ender.
(d) She thinks of Ender as a father figure and likes Miro's touch.

5. Aboard Milo's starship what path does Quara suggest they take when she says they are proceeding along the wrong one?
(a) She says they should find a map.
(b) She says they should never have put Jane in charge of the mission.
(c) She says they should examine pre and post-human contact forms of the virus.
(d) She says they should go to Lusitania to collect the rest of the humans.

6. On Pacifica, Malu announces the god is come and _________ shouts at Jane to get out of Peter.
(a) Malu.
(b) Young Val.
(c) Wang-mu.
(d) Novinha.

7. When Peter regains consciousness after Ender is transferred into his body, what does he do?
(a) Begins sobbing.
(b) Starts laughing uncontrollably.
(c) Touches Wang-mu's face.
(d) Peter no longer exists.

8. After the M.D. device is detected, why won't Jane push it outside?
(a) She is too weak.
(b) She wants the M.D. device to detonate.
(c) If it detonates "outside" it could cause irreparable harm to their dimension.
(d) She is too busy moving people off of Lusitania.

9. Who uses the example of Ender killing two boys in Battle School to support their argument?
(a) Wang-mu.
(b) Miro.
(c) Peter.
(d) Quara.

10. What is Quara's brother's name?
(a) Quim.
(b) Peter.
(c) Ender.
(d) Miro.

11. When the ansible is not in communication with the Starways Congress's ansibles, who does it communicate with?
(a) The Hive Queen computers.
(b) The computers in the old part of the building.
(c) The "godproof compter network".
(d) The Bugger network.

12. How does Aimaina Hikari respond when Yasujiro Tsutsumi asks if he is supposed to bribe the politicians to stop the fleet?
(a) Aimaina Hikari says there are a thousand legal ways to influence their votes.
(b) Aimaina Hikari says if they don't agree to kill them.
(c) Aimaina Hikari says that bribery will not be enough.
(d) Aimaina Hikari says to go ahead and bribe them.

13. Once Jane returns to the computer network, what does she realize about human existence?
(a) It is the only way of being that will satisfy her desire to live.
(b) She prefers her network existence.
(c) It is very much overrated.
(d) She has fewer problems as a human.

14. What does Plikt say is the most important thing to remember about Ender, above all else?
(a) His strength and stubborness.
(b) His greatness as a follower.
(c) His justice and mercy.
(d) His role as Speaker for the Dead.

15. When Jane can touch a human for the first time, who does she put her arms around?
(a) Miro.
(b) Novinha.
(c) Malu.
(d) Peter.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the captain of the starship bringing the M.D. device?

2. What is the relationship of Yasujiro Tsutsumi to Aimaina Hikari?

3. Which of the following is not a way that Plikt realizes Ender will be remembered.

4. How many years has it taken to undo the damage from the destruction of the buggers' home planet?

5. Who leads Ender into Peter's body?

(see the answer keys)

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