Children of the Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of the Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After sending a test ship "Outside," what does Jane do?
(a) She brings Miro's ship back to Lusitania.
(b) She watches her physical body disintegrate.
(c) She passes out and loses her technical ability.
(d) She sends herself outside to meet her body.

2. Who give Peter and Wang-mu the tour of the "godproof computer network"?
(a) Admiral Lands.
(b) The Hive Queen.
(c) Grace's son.
(d) Malu.

3. Jane notes that it is easier for her to transport Wang-mu when she moves her and Peter back to Lusitania. Why?
(a) Peter and Wang-mu have become philotically interlinked.
(b) Wang-mu and Jane have become much better friends.
(c) Wang-mu has become more technological.
(d) Wang-mu has lost a lot of weight.

4. Why does Miro think that Quara is as contrary as she is?
(a) She is infected by an evil spirit.
(b) She has a personality disorder.
(c) She was always spoiled as a child by Marcao.
(d) She had to put up with Marcao's rage growing up.

5. Why is the Hive Queen jealous of Jane?
(a) Because Jane is pretty.
(b) Because Jane is more powerful than she is.
(c) Because Jane knows Human in a way the Hive Queen can't.
(d) Because Jane attacked Quara first.

6. When the ansible is not in communication with the Starways Congress's ansibles, who does it communicate with?
(a) The "godproof compter network".
(b) The Bugger network.
(c) The Hive Queen computers.
(d) The computers in the old part of the building.

7. Why does Jane regret using force on Quara after shoving her?
(a) Quara is not healthy and Jane thinks she might have killed her.
(b) She does not regret using force.
(c) She thinks that violence will cause eternal damnation.
(d) She realizes after she marries Miro, Quara will be her sister.

8. What does Plikt say is the most important thing to remember about Ender, above all else?
(a) His justice and mercy.
(b) His greatness as a follower.
(c) His role as Speaker for the Dead.
(d) His strength and stubborness.

9. When Peter opens his eyes on the beach, what does he tell everyone he dreamed about?
(a) A fish.
(b) A pig.
(c) A dragon.
(d) A squid.

10. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Novinha in "This Has Always Been Your Body"?
(a) Novinha tells Ender she will miss him and share memories of him.
(b) Novinha tells Ender he can die without her begrudging him.
(c) Novinha tells Ender to stay alive for her.
(d) Novinha tells Ender to live as Peter.

11. Who makes a joke, saying he cannot determine whether the fact that Jane inhabited Peter makes him holy or the fact that she left him makes Peter unholy?
(a) Ender.
(b) Malu.
(c) Peter.
(d) Miro.

12. What happens to Young Val when Jane takes over her body?
(a) Young Val's aiua becomes entertwined with Jane.
(b) Young Val dies.
(c) Young Val creates a new body for herself.
(d) Young Val's aiua passes into Peter.

13. Who does Admiral Lands arrest after he receives the stop command from the Starways Congress?
(a) Causo.
(b) Yasujiro Tsutsumi.
(c) Peter.
(d) Miro.

14. When Peter awakens on the beach in "You Called Me Back from Darkness," who is next to him?
(a) Jane.
(b) Wang-mu.
(c) Miro.
(d) Val.

15. On what planet are Peter and Wang-mu invited to witness the restart of the "godproof computer network"?
(a) Pacifica.
(b) Path.
(c) Descolada.
(d) Divine Wind.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who leads Ender into Peter's body?

2. When Jane begins crying for the first time, what does she tell Miro?

3. When Peter awakens on the beach in "You Called Me Back from Darkness," how does his persona change?

4. What happens to Ender's bodies as Ender's and Jane's aiuas wrangle for control?

5. Who is the captain of the starship bringing the M.D. device?

(see the answer keys)

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