The Cherry Orchard Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cherry Orchard Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Lyubov doing at the end of Act III?
(a) Magic tricks.
(b) Weeping.
(c) Singing.
(d) Dancing.

2. What is Lyubov's reaction about the auction?
(a) She kisses Gaev.
(b) She jumps for joy.
(c) She breaks down sobbing.
(d) She laughs.

3. Which character declares, "All of Russia is our orchard"?
(a) Varya.
(b) Trofimov.
(c) Lopakhin.
(d) Charlotta.

4. What is heard at the beginning of Act III?
(a) A chorus of angels.
(b) The Jewish band playing in the ballroom.
(c) A train in the distance.
(d) A carriage arriving.

5. What does Trofimov suggest that Anya do with the keys of the household?
(a) Send them to the Countess.
(b) Swallow them.
(c) Throw them into the well.
(d) Give them to him.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does Lyubov want Lopakhin to marry?

2. What does Trofimov claim Lyubov's lover has done?

3. In Act II, why does Gaev say he must go to town the following day?

4. What language does Charlotta speak in Act III?

5. What has the Post-Office Clerk said to Dunyasha in Act III, causing her giddiness?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the emotional state of Lopakhim in Act III? Why?

2. What event is taking place in the beginning of Act III? What purpose does this event serve to the story?

3. Who is the comic relief in the play? How does this play out?

4. Where do the telegrams arrive from? What do they say?

5. What is the emotional state of Lyubov at the beginning of Act III? Why?

6. Who is the Countess? How does she play into the plot? Where does she live?

7. Who is Pishchik? How does he know the family? What request does he make to Lyubov repeatedly in Act II?

8. Does Firs have loyalty to the family? How do we know?

9. How does Trofimov feel about the upper classes?

10. Which character is the most "socialist?" How?

(see the answer keys)

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