Charlotte's Web Test | Final Test - Medium

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Charlotte's Web Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Fern wish at the end of Chapter 19?
(a) That Wilbur will live forever.
(b) That this day would never end.
(c) That she were riding the Ferris wheel with Henry Fussy.
(d) That she never had to grow up.

2. Who wins first prize at the Fair?
(a) Wilbur.
(b) Lulu Belle.
(c) Porkins.
(d) Uncle.

3. What was the greatest moment in Mr. Zuckerman's life?
(a) Retiring and selling his farm to someone else.
(b) Selling a pig for a lot of money.
(c) Meeting Mrs. Zuckerman.
(d) Winning a prize for Wilbur.

4. What does Charlotte write in her last web?
(a) With New Radiant Action.
(b) Pig Supreme.
(c) Humble.
(d) Crunchy.

5. What does Dr. Dorian find just as miraculous as the writing in Charlotte's web?
(a) How talented a pig Wilbur is.
(b) How spiders learned to spin webs in the first place.
(c) How children grow up so quickly.
(d) How well the geese on the Zuckermans' farm speak.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Charlotte feeling at the end of Chapter 17?

2. In what does Fern's mother get interested in spite of herself?

3. What is Mr. Zuckerman's dream about Wilbur?

4. Which of the following is not an errand or favor that Templeton points out that he has done for Wilbur and Charlotte?

5. What does Mr. Zuckerman tell his wife to do when they find the new web?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which animals go to the Fair and why?

2. How is the experience of going to the Fair different for the children and for the adults?

3. Before he is to leave the Fair and return to the farm, why does Wilbur bring up the fact that he once thought Charlotte was cruel and bloodthirsty?

4. Why does Charlotte think that the word Templeton brings back for her last web is particularly appropriate for Wilbur?

5. Does Wilbur act more like a child or an adult when it is time for him to go to sleep during his first night at the Fair?

6. How has what is most important to Fern changed and how can you tell?

7. How can readers tell at the end of Chapter 21 that Wilbur is starting to grow up a little?

8. What kind of lullaby does Charlotte sing to Wilbur?

9. What effect do Charlotte's webs start to have on Wilbur?

10. How are things on the farm changing as summer turns to fall?

(see the answer keys)

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