Charlotte's Web Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Charlotte's Web Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Arable do when Fern first claims that the animals talk?
(a) Gets bored and tells Fern to stop making up stories.
(b) Ignores Fern and tells her to stop being silly.
(c) Gazes at her with a queer, worried look.
(d) Laughs and asks to hear more.

2. What does Wilbur conclude after his adventure outside the fence?
(a) That tomorrow he will try to escape again.
(b) That next time he will head for the woods first.
(c) That he is miserable living at the Zuckerman farm.
(d) That he is really too young to go out into the world alone.

3. What does Wilbur witness Charlotte catch in her web in Chapter 5?
(a) A fly.
(b) A bee.
(c) An ant.
(d) A mosquito.

4. How does Wilbur escape from the yard?
(a) By tunneling under the fence.
(b) By walking through an open gate.
(c) By squeezing through a loose board in the fence.
(d) By knocking Mr. Zuckerman over.

5. Why is Wilbur unconcerned that he has been growing bigger?
(a) He says that at his age it's a good idea to keep gaining.
(b) He still can squeeze under the rails of the fence in the yard.
(c) He is still very skinny.
(d) He says that as the runt of the litter, he had a lot of catching up to do.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who takes care of Wilbur's noontime feeding for Fern?

2. What is Charlotte's middle initial?

3. How does Fern say Wilbur feels about Charlotte?

4. Which of the following is not a defense Charlotte offers for her way of life -- catching bugs and eating them?

5. What happens once news of Charlotte's web spreads?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of voice does Wilbur use to call for his new friend, and what does this voice tell the reader about Wilbur's development at this point?

2. How seriously does Fern take her new responsibility of taking care of the pig?

3. How would you describe the relationship between Fern and Wilbur in Chapter 2?

4. Why does Wilbur like Charlotte better and better each day?

5. What is most remarkable about Wilbur's daily routine?

6. What sorts of things are most important to Fern at the beginning of the book?

7. How would you describe Charlotte's personality and interactions with other barnyard animals in Chapter 6?

8. How would you describe Wilbur's feelings about his early life with Fern in Chapter 2?

9. How does the web of relationships between Wilbur, Charlotte, and Fern shift at the end of Chapter 7?

10. Why does Mrs. Arable tell Fern in Chapter 8 that Fern can tell her more about the animals in Uncle Homer's barn that afternoon?

(see the answer keys)

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