Charlotte's Web Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Charlotte's Web Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Arable say when Fern pleads with him to not kill the pig?
(a) That he will sell it to her.
(b) That she will have to learn to control herself.
(c) That he's her father and she must listen to him.
(d) That she should not be a silly, weak girl.

2. Which of the following is not something that disturbs Wilbur when he is trying to sleep?
(a) A bad tummy-ache from eating too much slop.
(b) The sound of the goose turning on her nest and clucking to herself.
(c) Having many things on his mind.
(d) The sound of Templeton gnawing a hole in the grain bin.

3. What does Wilbur do every morning after breakfast?
(a) He waits with Fern until her bus comes.
(b) He cries until Fern comes home for lunch.
(c) He takes a nap until lunchtime.
(d) He follows Mrs. Arable around as she cleans the house.

4. What has Charlotte woven into her web?
(a) A picture of Wilbur.
(b) The words "SOME PIG".
(c) A picture of a first prize ribbon.
(d) The words "WILBUR'S HOME".

5. Why does Fern change her sneakers?
(a) She has outgrown them.
(b) They have holes in them.
(c) They got wet when she walked through the grass.
(d) She stepped in pig manure in the barn.

6. Why does Mrs. Arable think having Wilbur go live with the Zuckermans is a good idea?
(a) Mrs. Arable thinks it is a terrible idea.
(b) They will promise not to kill him.
(c) Fern can walk down the road and visit Wilbur as often as she likes.
(d) Once Wilbur is sent away, Fern will forget all about him.

7. What does Wilbur do when he hears why the people are fattening him up?
(a) He laughs.
(b) He jumps for joy.
(c) He yawns.
(d) He screams.

8. What is Wilbur's first bed?
(a) A box near the stove in the kitchen.
(b) A pillow in the hall closet.
(c) A blanket in the corner of Fern's room.
(d) A box in the woodshed.

9. What does Mr. Arable say Fern will see once he agrees to let her raise the baby pig?
(a) What trouble a pig will be.
(b) How mean and ornery pigs can be.
(c) How hard it is not to want to eat a pig once it gets big and fat.
(d) What dirty creatures pigs are.

10. According to the author, when is a time when it is hard to sleep?
(a) When your heart is heavy and your mind is light.
(b) When your stomach is full and your head is heavy.
(c) When your spirit is weak and your soul is sad.
(d) When your stomach is empty and your mind is full.

11. Why is Wilbur unconcerned that he has been growing bigger?
(a) He says that as the runt of the litter, he had a lot of catching up to do.
(b) He says that at his age it's a good idea to keep gaining.
(c) He still can squeeze under the rails of the fence in the yard.
(d) He is still very skinny.

12. What are Fern and her parents doing at the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) Cooking Saturday night dinner together.
(b) Cleaning the house together.
(c) Having Sunday breakfast together.
(d) Picking berries from the garden together.

13. How does Wilbur feel at first about being outside his fence?
(a) He is angry he never thought to escape before.
(b) He is so excited he decides to run all the way to Fern's house.
(c) He is terrified of the world outside.
(d) It feels queer to have nothing between him and the open world.

14. Which of the following is not something Fern does when she comes to visit Wilbur?
(a) She does not watch Wilbur.
(b) She does not sit and think.
(c) She does not sing.
(d) She does not listen.

15. What does Templeton do with the last egg?
(a) He paints it.
(b) He eats it for dinner.
(c) He adds it to his collection.
(d) He sits on it to hatch it.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Wilbur mistaken about Charlotte at the end of Chapter 5?

2. Which of the following is not one of the ways Fern takes care of Wilbur?

3. What reason does the old sheep give for why the people are fattening Wilbur up?

4. What does the oldest sheep say is the quickest way to ruin a friendship?

5. How does the author describe a spider's web at the beginning of Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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