Caucasia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Caucasia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprising meal does Sandy buy Cole and Birdie in Chapter 3?
(a) Pizza, chips, and soda.
(b) Fast food burgers and fries.
(c) Doritos, Cap'n Crunch, and soda.
(d) Calamari and Mahi-Mahi.

2. What false identity does Sandy claim when speaking to Walter Marsh?
(a) A former high school history teacher.
(b) A widowed society wife.
(c) A widowed professor's wife.
(d) A freelance writer.

3. How does Cole entertain a bored Birdie at the restaurant in Chapter 5?
(a) She makes a puppet out of her napkin.
(b) She puts Birdie's hair up with the chopsticks.
(c) She tells Birdie a story about the land of Elemeno.
(d) She makes a doll with her napkin and chopsticks.

4. Who is Nicholas?
(a) A friend from school.
(b) One of Walter Marsh's horses.
(c) The gardener's son.
(d) Walter and Libby Marsh's son.

5. Who does Sandy believe is trying to arrest her?
(a) The FBI.
(b) The Boston PD.
(c) The activist rebels.
(d) The Brazillian Government.

6. How does Sandy earn money once her funds run out?
(a) By working in a convenience store.
(b) By shoplifting.
(c) By working at the front desk of Motel 6.
(d) By tutoring dyslexic children.

7. Which horse does Birdie ride in Chapter 8?
(a) Nicholas.
(b) Mr. Pleasure.
(c) Marsh.
(d) Coal.

8. What does Redbone show Birdie at her Aunt Dot's farewell party?
(a) Articles about forced integration.
(b) A photo of her parents.
(c) Guns.
(d) Her grandfather's book.

9. What items does Sandy shoplift in Chapter 3?
(a) Two dolls.
(b) Two chocolate bars.
(c) Two pairs of gloves.
(d) A pack of sodas.

10. How does Deck know the Harvard professor?
(a) He was the professor's neighbor.
(b) He is the professor's student.
(c) He worked with the professor.
(d) He is the professor's son.

11. What decision does Deck make in Chapter 1 that radically alters Birdie and Cole's lives?
(a) The family will move to Canada.
(b) His daughters will no longer be home-schooled.
(c) The family will move to Brazil.
(d) His daughters will go to boarding school.

12. How does Sandy change physically once she goes "on the run"?
(a) She allows her tan to fade.
(b) She loses weight and becomes thin.
(c) She gains weight and must wear sweatpants.
(d) Her face appears to sag and age quickly.

13. Who has been using Sandy and Deck's second floor guestroom in Chapter 1?
(a) Deck's mother.
(b) Different groups of strangers.
(c) College students.
(d) Sandy's mother.

14. Where does Sandy decide to settle at the end of Chapter 7?
(a) New Mexico.
(b) New Hampshire.
(c) New York.
(d) New Jersey.

15. What does Sandy tell Birdie to do the morning after Cole and Deck leave?
(a) Pack clothes for a short trip.
(b) Call Grandma Logan.
(c) Throw the doll away.
(d) Call Aunt Dot.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Sandy tell Birdie that maggots come from?

2. What item does Cole wear at the end of Chapter 5 as she leaves Birdie a present?

3. Which character does Cole stay with after the dinner in Chapter 5?

4. What culture is Birdie forced to adopt in her teen years?

5. In the Prologue, why does Birdie feel like she is nobody?

(see the answer keys)

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