The Cattle Raid of Cooley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cattle Raid of Cooley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After eight hours of battle with shields and blades, what do Ferdiad and Cuchulain decide to do?
(a) To work together to defeat Medb.
(b) Make a truce.
(c) Choose another way to fight.
(d) Call in more warriors to help them.

2. Why did the Irish pick Tamon to go to Cuchulain in disguise?
(a) Because he was a rebel.
(b) Because he was clever.
(c) Because he was a coward.
(d) Because he was dim-witted.

3. Why do the Irish fighters scorn Iliach as a warrior?
(a) His horse and chariot are shabby.
(b) He is stupid.
(c) He is a braggart.
(d) He has no weapons.

4. Fergus approaches Cuchulain without a sword. Why?
(a) He forgot his sword back at camp.
(b) Cuchulain made a deal to fight him with bare hands only.
(c) Fergus believes his magical powers will help him kill Cuchulain.
(d) Ailill took it when he found out about Fergus' affair with Medb.

5. Who is in love with Rochad?
(a) The lady of the lake.
(b) The witch of Cavan.
(c) Finnabair.
(d) Morrigan.

6. What does Ferdiad say he will do if he kills Cuchulain?
(a) Become a druid priest.
(b) Kill himself.
(c) Kill Medb.
(d) Have himself made King of Ulster.

7. Why is Cuchulain so angry he tears Mann to pieces?
(a) Mann is the most obnoxious person he has ever met.
(b) Mann called him a coward.
(c) Fergus reminds him of the Slaughter of the Youth.
(d) Fergus reminds him Mann had killed a close friend of his.

8. What do the people who help Cuchulain after the battle with Ferdiad put on his wounds?
(a) Ointment.
(b) Herbs and potions.
(c) Ground weeds and mud.
(d) The milk of the white cow.

9. Why did the Irish name the site of the battle the Tooth-Fight?
(a) They were said to have fought "tooth and nail".
(b) The bodies of the men were jaw-locked with one another.
(c) They used teeth of wild animals as their talismans.
(d) They fought by biting each other.

10. What happens when Donn is almost back to Cruachan?
(a) He kills a thousand Irishmen.
(b) He is captured.
(c) He dies.
(d) He kills a thousand Ulstermen.

11. Medb wants Fergus to fight Cuchulain. Why doesn't he want to?
(a) Fergus thinks Cuchulain is evil.
(b) Cuchulain was his young disciple.
(c) Fergus doesn't want to kill a man of the same religion.
(d) Fergus is small and weak and fears Cuchulain.

12. What is Sualtaim unsuccessful in doing?
(a) Capturing Medb.
(b) Fighting the Irish.
(c) Capturing the white cow.
(d) Getting his people help Cuchulain.

13. How many bandits are in Ferchu's gang?
(a) Ten.
(b) Fifty.
(c) Twenty-seven.
(d) Twelve.

14. What does Donn take back to Cruachan the next morning?
(a) The remains of the other bull.
(b) The riches of Ulster.
(c) Medb on his back.
(d) Cormac's body.

15. Ferdiad is picked to fight Cuchulain but refuses. What does Medb do?
(a) Ties him to a tree.
(b) Gets sorcerers to create boils on Ferdiad's skin.
(c) Throws him into a pit of snakes.
(d) Shames him in front of all the men.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Ulstermen do to Medb's bodyguards?

2. Which of the following is untrue about Mann?

3. What do the Irish men think of the result of the meeting of the Ulstermen?

4. Why does Cuchulain say he can fight no more?

5. Who was the leader of the Youths of Ulster?

(see the answer keys)

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