The Cattle Raid of Cooley Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cattle Raid of Cooley Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the result of the man of Ireland's dealing with Cuchulain?
(a) He is tied up and left on his own.
(b) He is allowed to go free.
(c) He joins Cuchulain's men.
(d) He is killed.

2. How did Uala die?
(a) He fell into a ravine.
(b) He was accidentally killed by his own men.
(c) He drowned in the river.
(d) He was killed by Cuchulain.

3. Why did Lochi wear a golden tiara?
(a) It protected her from evil spirits.
(b) It meant she was related to the queen.
(c) It meant she was an adult woman.
(d) It showed that she was a royal maid.

4. After hearing the three stories about Cuchulain's youth, what do they Irishmen think?
(a) They can take him because they outnumber him.
(b) They know the storytellers are exaggerating.
(c) They will have to fight a very strong battle to defeat him.
(d) They think the stories were made up just to scare them.

5. What does Cuchulain do every day to prepare for battle?
(a) Talks with his advisors.
(b) Chooses the best horse.
(c) Plays chess to improve his strategies.
(d) Practices his skills and stays fit.

6. What does Forgemen do?
(a) He takes care of the other cattle of Cooley.
(b) He negotiates everything between Medb and Cuchulain.
(c) He takes care of the great bull of Cooley.
(d) He makes sure the armor is ready for the Irish fighters.

7. How does Cuchulain kill Mani, Medb and Ailill's son?
(a) He tricks him into retreating and his men kill him.
(b) He creates a flood and Mani drowns in it.
(c) He traps him in a wooded area and kills him.
(d) He stabs him with his sword.

8. What does Ailill do about the marching boys of Ulster?
(a) He makes them into slaves.
(b) He sends his own men to destroy them.
(c) He takes them all prisoner.
(d) He ignores them - they are just kids.

9. What fraction of the young boys of Ulster march off to help Cuchulain defeat the Irish?
(a) One-half.
(b) One-tenth.
(c) One-third.
(d) One-quarter.

10. How does Morrigan disguise herself when she sees Cuchulain coming?
(a) As an old woman milking a cow.
(b) As an old woman mending clothes.
(c) As an old woman smoking a pipe.
(d) As an old woman herding sheep.

11. Due to Munremar and Curoi's activities, what does Medb ask Cuchulain to do?
(a) More space for her army's camp.
(b) Give her money to pay her soldiers.
(c) Supply her with more livestock.
(d) A short truce so she can move her troops.

12. Where did Medb and Ailill's neighboring kings' men gather?
(a) At Cruachan.
(b) At Fergus.
(c) At Connacht.
(d) At Dublin.

13. Why does the king decide to recognize young Cuchulain as a great warrior?
(a) If he doesn't, Cuchulain's father will take his land.
(b) If he doesn't, Cuchulain will kill his livestock.
(c) If he doesn't, Cuchulain will kill all the boys in the kingdom.
(d) If he doesn't, Cuchulain has threatened to kill him.

14. What are Munremar and Curoi involved in?
(a) A business.
(b) A feud.
(c) A plot.
(d) Stealing livestock from the Irish.

15. When Medb met Cuchulain she scoffed at him. Why?
(a) He looked very tired.
(b) He was very young.
(c) He looked very small and weak.
(d) He was drunk.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Medb react to Fedelm's prophecy of a bloody battle?

2. What do Medb and Ailill think is responsible for Cuchulain's success in battle?

3. What does Medb do as she makes her way through Ulster?

4. What do Ailill and Medb want to ask Cuchulain for after the slaughter of the boy trooper?

5. Why is Finnabair killed?

(see the answer keys)

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