The Cattle Raid of Cooley Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cattle Raid of Cooley Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Combat of Lethan and Cuchulain | The Killing of the Squirrel and of the Tame Bird.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The stories about Cuchulain show that he has amazing abilities but he also has a flaw. What is it?
(a) He wants to be top dog, no matter who suffers.
(b) He is not physically strong.
(c) He changes his strategy too often.
(d) He takes too long to make decisions.

2. What are Ailill and Medb talking about as they lie in their bed?
(a) That Ailill was a king before he married Medb.
(b) That Medb did not get along with her father.
(c) Their wealth.
(d) Their health.

3. Dari accepts Medb's offer. After the feast to celebrate, he changes his mind. Why?
(a) He realizes he needs the bull in order to stay wealthy.
(b) He believes Medb has lied to him about her plans.
(c) At the drunken feast, he is treated disrespectfully by Medb's men.
(d) He overhears a drunken man say they'd have taken the bull by force anyway.

4. Cuchulain had another name before he took the name Cuchulain. What was it?
(a) Brian Boru.
(b) Cormac.
(c) Culann.
(d) Setanta.

5. Why is Fergus chosen to be the spokesman with the powerful men of Ulster?
(a) He is Conchobar's brother and knows how to handle him.
(b) He is the only one who speaks their language well.
(c) He has been an advisor to all the powerful men of Ulster.
(d) He was an Ulster king himself before Conchobar drove him out.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why were the men of Ireland waiting around for two weeks?

2. What does Cuchulain do to the three MacArach men?

3. Medb wants to borrow Dari of Cooley's bull for a year. What deal does MacRoth the Messenger offer Dari?

4. What did the Crutti Cainbili turn into after they ran away from the men of Ireland?

5. What is one of the bull of Cooley's special powers?

(see the answer key)

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