Cat's Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

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Cat's Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cordelia do after she runs away from home?
(a) Joins the Stratford Shakespearean festival.
(b) Starts sitting in on classes at Elaine's college.
(c) Gets married to one of Elaine's classmates.
(d) Gets a job on a cruise ship.

2. What does Jon accuse Elaine of, after she confronts him about a woman calling the house for him?
(a) Pretending she won't be jealous when she is.
(b) Having an affair with his best friends.
(c) Making things up to start a fight.
(d) Seeing Josef while they were dating.

3. How does Josef begin to treat Elaine?
(a) He constantly apologizes and acts weak.
(b) He ignores her.
(c) He tells her how to dress and wear her hair.
(d) He is jealous, follows her, and threatens her.

4. When Cordelia was young, what did she drink to avoid school?
(a) Mercury.
(b) Vinegar.
(c) Oil.
(d) Acid.

5. Is the art retrospective a success?
(a) No, but only because of Elaine's attitude.
(b) Yes, and Elaine's mind is relieved.
(c) Yes, but that doesn't seem important to Elaine.
(d) No, it seems a horrible failure.

6. What does Elaine find, after Susie calls her urgently for help?
(a) Susie has gotten drunk and hurt herself accidentally.
(b) Susie has been injured by Josef.
(c) Susie has hurt herself trying to give herself an abortion.
(d) Susie has tried to kill herself.

7. What makes boys feel uneasy with Cordelia?
(a) Her manner of speech.
(b) Her agressive sexuality.
(c) Her inability to laugh.
(d) Her reputation.

8. What color dress does Elaine wear for the gallery opening?
(a) Green.
(b) Red.
(c) Blue.
(d) Black.

9. What time of year is it when Elaine has her art retrospective?
(a) Spring.
(b) Autumn.
(c) Winter.
(d) Summer.

10. Where does Elaine work while she's in college?
(a) The Gray Bear.
(b) The Moody Palm.
(c) The Happy Beggar.
(d) The Swiss Chalet.

11. How long ago did Stephen die?
(a) Five years.
(b) Ten years.
(c) Two years.
(d) Twelve years.

12. Where does Charna ask Elaine to go?
(a) To the back office.
(b) Upstairs.
(c) To a corner deli.
(d) Outside.

13. What does Elaine do when Jon first takes her out for a beer?
(a) Cries.
(b) Faints.
(c) Is silent.
(d) Screams.

14. Who does Elaine think the angry woman is at first?
(a) Carol.
(b) Grace.
(c) Susie.
(d) Cordelia.

15. How is Elaine described in the article about her in Entertainment?
(a) As a fierce mind with a fiery paintbrush.
(b) As an old soul with empowering paintings.
(c) As a crotchety artist with the power to disturb.
(d) As an inscrutible artist with enigmatic works.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Elaine see a beautiful and meaningful Virgin Mary statue?

2. What is different about Elaine's sixth grade school?

3. Is Elaine's ex-husband on time?

4. How does Cordelia do on her exams?

5. What was the purpose of the beautiful and meaningful Virgin Mary statue Elaine saw?

(see the answer keys)

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