Cat's Cradle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cat's Cradle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of Chapter 111?
(a) "Protein."
(b) "The Marines March On."
(c) "Time Out."
(d) "Feast Your Eyes!"

2. Who performs "Cat House Piano" on the album that Newt plays in Chapter 81?
(a) Marvin Sharpe Holderness.
(b) Lionel Boyd Johnson.
(c) Sherman Krebbs.
(d) Meade Lux Lewis.

3. What is the company that Angela's husband is President of, according to Newt in Chapter 80?
(a) Corporo-tek.
(b) Intellitek.
(c) The Del Prado Hotel.
(d) Fabri-Tek.

4. What profession does Newt Hoenikker claim after he's left college?
(a) Lawyer.
(b) Butcher.
(c) Painter.
(d) Inn-keeper.

5. To whose honor does the Ambassador deliver his speech in Chapter 114?
(a) Bokonon.
(b) Lyman Enders Knowles.
(c) Papa Monzano.
(d) The Hundred Martyrs to Democracy.

6. What Bokononist word refers to "a fogbound child"?
(a) "Saroon."
(b) "Stuppa."
(c) "Sin-wat."
(d) "Wampeter."

7. With whom does Frank Hoenikker describe having an affair as a teenager in Chapter 89?
(a) The wife of the owner of Jack's Hobby Shop.
(b) The wife of Dr. Breed.
(c) His second cousin.
(d) The wife of his mother's best friend.

8. What is the population density of San Lorenzo, according to the narrator in Chapter 60?
(a) 200 people per square mile.
(b) 450 people per square mile.
(c) 300 people per square mile.
(d) 325 people per square mile.

9. What is the name of the mountain range that rises abruptly to the north of the capital city of San Lorenzo?
(a) The Scott Mountains.
(b) The Transatlantic Mountains.
(c) The Sierra Nevada Mountains.
(d) The Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

10. What is the name of the doctor that has been frozen along with Papa Monzano?
(a) Dr. Lyman Enders Knowles.
(b) Dr. Von Koenigswald.
(c) Dr. Nestor Aamons.
(d) Dr. Julian Castle.

11. What is the name of the training camp for soldiers on San Lorenzo?
(a) Fort Jesus.
(b) Fort Alabama.
(c) Fort Grayson.
(d) Fort Rock.

12. Ice-nine is composed entirely of what two elements?
(a) Helium and hydrogen.
(b) Hydrogen and oxygen.
(c) Holmium and iron.
(d) Indium and nitrogen.

13. Who wrote the San Lorenzo National Anthem?
(a) John.
(b) Sherman Krebbs.
(c) George Minor Moakely.
(d) Bokonon.

14. What is the title of Chapter 102?
(a) "Enemies of Freedom."
(b) "End of the World Delight."
(c) "Gone, but Not Forgotten."
(d) "Secret Agent X-9."

15. In Chapter 120, the narrator recalls an advertisement for a set of children's books. What was the title of this set?
(a) The Book of Truth.
(b) The Book of the Dragon.
(c) The Book of Knowledge.
(d) The Scheherazade.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Frank tell Angela she "bought" with her portion of Ice-nine in Chapter 109?

2. How much money did Dr. Felix Hoenikker earn for each patent his work led to at General Forge and Foundry?

3. What does John cook for Mona and himself in the bomb shelter in Chapter 117?

4. How many people died at Julian Castle's hospital in ten days after the plague outbreak, according to his son in Chapter 73?

5. What Bokononist word means "lies"?

(see the answer keys)

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