Catherine, Called Birdy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Catherine, Called Birdy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Catherine do with the beautiful man who arrives on horseback in October?
(a) She trips him.
(b) She plays the piano with him.
(c) She plays tag with him.
(d) She has a mud fight with him.

2. What does Catherine throw in with the pigs that she has to retrieve in October?
(a) A ring.
(b) A diary.
(c) A letter.
(d) A key.

3. What is Catherine supposed to do on St. Faith's Day?
(a) Put a penny in the well and make a wish.
(b) Put a wedding ring under her pillow and dream of her husband.
(c) Confess her true feelings to the object of her affections.
(d) Pick a single rose from the garden and throw it in the lake.

4. Who is Robert?
(a) Catherine's cousin.
(b) Catherine's father.
(c) Catherine's brother.
(d) Catherine's uncle.

5. How does Aelis feel about her marriage?
(a) She hasn't yet met her husband and she still loves George.
(b) She is surprisingly attracted to her new husband.
(c) She is afraid of her husband as he has a temper.
(d) She is indifferent towards her new husband.

6. Who comes for a visit in February?
(a) The King's niece.
(b) The King's cousin.
(c) The King's sister.
(d) The King's advisor.

7. Why does Catherine rule out running off to a nunnery?
(a) The nunnery is too far away.
(b) She doesn't want to do the required embroidery.
(c) The nunnery is an old damp building.
(d) She doesn't like old women.

8. What does Catherine accidentally do to her suitor in February?
(a) She sets fire to the privy with him in it.
(b) She drops a large rock on his foot.
(c) She throws mashed potato at him.
(d) She knocks him into the pig pen.

9. Where has Catherine's Uncle George been for the last twenty years?
(a) Spain living with his mother.
(b) Fighting in the Crusades.
(c) Exploring uncharted territories.
(d) By the sea recuperating from an illness.

10. Why does Robert give the puppy back to Catherine in January?
(a) The puppy bit Robert.
(b) Catherine whines about the puppy to her mother.
(c) The puppy will not stop whimpering.
(d) The puppy peed on him.

11. Who is Catherine the daughter of?
(a) A pastor.
(b) A blacksmith.
(c) A knight.
(d) A baker.

12. On what type of day does the family have a feast in November?
(a) On a wedding day.
(b) On a birthday.
(c) On an anniversary.
(d) On a saint's day.

13. How does George react to Aelis' marriage?
(a) He is happy for her.
(b) He is desolate.
(c) He is indifferent.
(d) He is confused.

14. Why does Catherine throw dirt on George and Aelis in November?
(a) To get back at them for throwing dirt on her.
(b) To appear rude to a suitor nearby.
(c) To cast a spell that turns their love to hate.
(d) To disrupt the celebration.

15. What does Catherine dream about in October that angers her?
(a) Her father making her marry a buffoon.
(b) The miller's farting apprentice.
(c) Someone stealing her favorite bird.
(d) Her brothers having fun while she toils away.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who visits Catherine and her family in December?

2. Besides her bedding, where else does Catherine have to pick out a certain insect?

3. What does Catherine imagine her 'real' father as in November?

4. What is Edward's job or calling?

5. What does Catherine begin to talk about at the beginning of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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