Catherine, Called Birdy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Catherine, Called Birdy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Catherine confess to hating in the first chapter?
(a) Her tutor.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Her mother.

2. What are there none of in England as of December?
(a) Jewish people.
(b) Merchants.
(c) Pirates.
(d) Gypsies.

3. Why does Catherine fall in love with the monks' lifestyle?
(a) They have nice clothes.
(b) They spend a lot of their time making books.
(c) They do not have to clean dishes.
(d) They don't have to get married.

4. What does Catherine accidentally do to her suitor in February?
(a) She sets fire to the privy with him in it.
(b) She knocks him into the pig pen.
(c) She throws mashed potato at him.
(d) She drops a large rock on his foot.

5. How does Catherine scare off Master Lack-Wit in the first chapter?
(a) By pretending to be insane.
(b) By glaring at him throughout dinner.
(c) By laughing and crying at the drop of a hat.
(d) By making herself extremely unattractive.

6. Who is Robert?
(a) Catherine's cousin.
(b) Catherine's father.
(c) Catherine's uncle.
(d) Catherine's brother.

7. How does George react to Aelis' marriage?
(a) He is confused.
(b) He is happy for her.
(c) He is indifferent.
(d) He is desolate.

8. How does Catherine address Shaggy Beard in February?
(a) By his first name.
(b) By his surname.
(c) With a term of endearment.
(d) As she would a pig.

9. Why is a suitor of Catherine's scared off in January?
(a) Because of her outfit.
(b) Because of her bird collection.
(c) Because of her father.
(d) Because of her manners.

10. How does Catherine's family celebrate Christmas?
(a) They have a dance with the villagers.
(b) They say a simple prayer on Christmas Eve.
(c) With a feast in the hall and a nativity play.
(d) They visit London.

11. How does Catherine feel about her partner in February?
(a) She thinks he is kind and sweet.
(b) She thinks he looks sad.
(c) She thinks he is disgusting.
(d) She thinks he is a funny dancer.

12. Where are Robert and Thomas in Chapter 1?
(a) Fighting in the Crusades.
(b) Studying at the abbey.
(c) Away on business.
(d) Recovering from illness near the sea.

13. What day is it at the end of the first chapter?
(a) Quarter rent day.
(b) Catherine's birthday.
(c) A Saint's Day.
(d) Harvest Festival day.

14. What does Catherine complain about in January?
(a) That her hair does not grow.
(b) That she must treat everyone's illnesses and hangovers.
(c) That she has such mean brothers.
(d) That she must marry someone she does not love.

15. Who visits Catherine and her family in December?
(a) Edward.
(b) Henry.
(c) Peter.
(d) Thomas.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Catherine throw dirt on George and Aelis in November?

2. Why is Catherine excited at the end of January?

3. Who is Catherine the daughter of?

4. Who is returning home for Christmas, much to Catherine's chagrin?

5. According to Uncle George, what are greedy and cruel?

(see the answer keys)

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