The Canterville Ghost Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Canterville Ghost Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Mr. Otis first see the ghost?
(a) Outside his bedroom.
(b) In the attic.
(c) In the library.
(d) In the tub.

2. What does Mr. Otis say he does not believe in?
(a) Democracy.
(b) Pergatory.
(c) God.
(d) Ghosts.

3. What kind of flooring is in the hall where the crash happened?
(a) Wood.
(b) Carpet.
(c) Tile.
(d) Concrete.

4. What day of the week is the Otis family startled by a large crash in the hall?
(a) Sunday.
(b) Wednesday.
(c) Tuesday.
(d) Monday.

5. What does the ghost plan to put on Mrs. Otis's head on Friday?
(a) A clammy hand.
(b) A live snake.
(c) His pistol.
(d) His wife's heart.

6. What is the name of the man who is said to have murdered the person who caused the blood stain?
(a) Sterling.
(b) Stephen.
(c) Simon.
(d) Samuel.

7. What causes Mrs. Umey to faint?
(a) A strange reflection.
(b) The hoot of an owl.
(c) A thunder clap.
(d) The sight of Mr. Otis.

8. What sound wakes Mr. Otis up the first time he hears the ghost?
(a) Maniacal laughing.
(b) Scratches on wood.
(c) Howling.
(d) Clanging metal.

9. What is the only thing the ghost leaves his room for in the few days after the crash in the hall?
(a) The sunrise.
(b) The storm.
(c) The sunset.
(d) The bloodstain.

10. What word does Mr. Otis use to describe his twin boys?
(a) Crazy.
(b) Calm.
(c) Well behaved.
(d) Mischievous.

11. How long does the storm last?
(a) 2 days.
(b) 1 week.
(c) A few hours.
(d) All night.

12. What does the ghost plan to do in front of Washington on Friday?
(a) Laugh menacingly.
(b) Change his shape.
(c) Stab himself 3 times.
(d) Sing a song.

13. Which of the following is NOT a reaction people have had when seeing the ghost?
(a) Running out of the house.
(b) Having fits.
(c) Falling down stairs.
(d) Fainting.

14. What is knocked over to cause the large crash in the hall?
(a) A picture frame.
(b) A chest of drawers.
(c) A large box.
(d) A suit of armor.

15. What are the names of the Otis twins?
(a) Freedom and Liberty.
(b) George and Washington.
(c) Liberty and Justice.
(d) Stars and Stripes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What scares the ghost when he is trying to scare Mrs. Otis?

2. How does the ghost feel after his first conversation with Mr. Otis?

3. What does the ghost do all night after leaving the Otis family?

4. Where is the house that Mr. Otis buys at the beginning of the book?

5. Where does the ghost go after being frightened while trying to scare Mrs. Otis?

(see the answer keys)

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