Candide Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 345 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Candide Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 345 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What condition does Cunégonde place on sharing the story of the Bulgarian attack with Candide?
(a) She says he must marry her.
(b) She says he must tell her his story first.
(c) She says he must kiss her.
(d) She says he must pay her.

2. What happens to the Anabaptist in Chapter 5?
(a) He is sold as a slave.
(b) He dies of the plague.
(c) His throat is cut.
(d) He drowns.

3. Whose advice does Candide seek after killing Don Issachar?
(a) The Grand Inquisitor's.
(b) A beggar's.
(c) The old woman's.
(d) Cunégonde's.

4. Where does Cunegonde's brother learn Cunegonde is in Chapter 15?
(a) The city which they mean to attack.
(b) Hundreds of miles away in Brazil.
(c) On a ship headed back to Spain.
(d) In prison awaiting her return to Lisbon.

5. What does the old woman suggest should be done to make money?
(a) Sell one of the horses.
(b) Work as hired help at the inn.
(c) Steal from the other guests.
(d) Sell off Cunégonde.

Short Answer Questions

1. What characteristic do Jacques and Candide share?

2. Who is Cacambo?

3. Why is Candide put in charge of the Cadiz soldiers?

4. Where does Cacambo once work as a servant?

5. How did Cunegonde react to Don Issachar?

Short Essay Questions

1. What complication arises when a Spanish ship arrives in Buenos Aires?

2. Who arrives on the ship that comes into the harbor while Cunégonde and the governor are talking and what effect does his arrival have?

3. What is ironic about Jacques' death?

4. How does Candide lose most of his riches while trying to book a ship to Venice?

5. Who is given to Candide when he is made captain, to act as an assistant, and what advice does he have for Candide?

6. Describe the disease with which Pangloss is afflicted and how it has affected him.

7. How do Candide and Cacambo manage to avoid being eaten by the Oreillons in Chapter 16?

8. How did the young princess in the old woman's story end up in Morocco?

9. How does Candide come to the rescue of Cunegonde in Chapter 9?

10. In Chapter 8, what does Cunegonde tell about her experience back in the castle?

(see the answer keys)

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