Candide Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 345 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Candide Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 345 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are each of the men at Candide's and Martin's table in Venice?
(a) To take in the carnival.
(b) To visit the Pope.
(c) To select a bride.
(d) To find an embezzler.

2. Who is known as the best philosopher in the area?
(a) Martin.
(b) Pangloss.
(c) Candide.
(d) A local dervish.

3. Why is Cunégonde's brother arrested in Constantinople?
(a) For stealing a loaf of bread.
(b) For bathing with the Sultan's page.
(c) For praying in a mosque.
(d) For preaching Christian doctrine.

4. Why does Candide apologize to Cunegonde's brother in Chapter 28?
(a) For wanting to marry his sister.
(b) for leaving him in Peru.
(c) For trying to kill him.
(d) For not recognizing him.

5. Who does the local tribe think Candide and Cacambo are?
(a) Turks.
(b) Spanish soldiers.
(c) Angels.
(d) Jesuits.

6. What does Martin say should be done with the Baron?
(a) He should go back to Westphalia.
(b) He should be arrested.
(c) He should be made a king.
(d) He should be thrown into the sea.

7. What does Martin suggest Cacambo has done after they don't hear from him for while in Venice?
(a) kept the jewels, bought a kingdom, and married Cunegonde.
(b) Returned to stay in Eldorado.
(c) Settled down in Buenos Aires.
(d) Drowned at sea.

8. What has happened to Cunegonde by Chapter 29?
(a) She has turned gray haired.
(b) She has turned dark from exposure to the sun.
(c) She is pregnant.
(d) She has become ugly.

9. What happens to Paquette after Candide leaves Westphalia?
(a) She also gets kicked out of Westphalia.
(b) She is raped by the Bulgarians.
(c) She marries Pangloss.
(d) She is initiated into a cannabilistic tribe.

10. What are the children playing with when Candide and Cacambo come to a village in Chapter 17?
(a) Diamond, ruby, and emerald building blocks.
(b) Tound pieces that look like colored jewels.
(c) spinning tops made of gold.
(d) Long snakes that coil and hiss.

11. According to the abbé, how many good plays have been written in France?
(a) Twenty.
(b) Fifteen or sixteen.
(c) A hundred.
(d) None.

12. What does Candide want to purchase with the riches he has gathered in Eldorado?
(a) Cunégonde and Westphalia.
(b) A concubine and Westphalia.
(c) Cunégonde and Buenos Aires.
(d) A slave and a house.

13. At the end of the novel, what is the only thing that Candide decide is necessary for happiness?
(a) Finding a true love.
(b) Tending his garden.
(c) Remaining virtuous.
(d) Having money.

14. Who does Candide make a bargain with?
(a) A Dutch captain.
(b) A priest.
(c) A beggar.
(d) A Spanish captain.

15. What does Candide wonder about because of Cacambo's impoverished condition?
(a) Why he seems so happy.
(b) The six million worth of diamonds when they last parted.
(c) What kind of master he has.
(d) How did he find Cunegonde while he was a slave.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cacambo tell the tribe to take to prove who they really are?

2. How does Martin describe Paris?

3. Senator Pococurante states that he can only stand the music for how long?

4. What happens to the man on the deck of the naval vessel?

5. How many sheep are left one hundred days after Candide and Cacambo leave Eldorado?

(see the answer keys)

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