Candide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 345 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Candide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 345 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What had happened to a young man in Italy whom the old woman had met?
(a) He had run away at the age of 18.
(b) He had been beaten daily.
(c) He had taken care of her until she was six.
(d) He had been castrated to preserve his beautiful voice.

2. What condition does Cunégonde place on sharing the story of the Bulgarian attack with Candide?
(a) She says he must kiss her.
(b) She says he must marry her.
(c) She says he must pay her.
(d) She says he must tell her his story first.

3. Who does Cunégonde see Pangloss with in the bushes?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her sister.
(c) The chambermaid.
(d) Her aunt.

4. Who is the man in black an officer for?
(a) The Navy.
(b) The King of France.
(c) The Inquisition.
(d) The Bulgar Army.

5. What is the first village to which Candide goes immediately after he escapes from the Bulgarians?
(a) Westphalia.
(b) Abaria.
(c) Holland.
(d) Lisbon.

6. What happens to Candide immediately after he leaves the castle?
(a) He finds a beautiful bride.
(b) He is beat up by some Bulgarians.
(c) He is taken in by his long lost aunt.
(d) He wanders around and falls asleep in the snow.

7. What choice is Candide given for his punishment by the Bulgarians?
(a) Twelve bullets or thirty-six lashes.
(b) Thirty-six bullets or twelve lashes.
(c) Thirty-six lashes or hanging.
(d) Ten bullets or hanging.

8. How many times does Candide make it through the gauntlet?
(a) One.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Two.
(d) Thirty.

9. When did the man who found the old woman and spoke her language first meet her?
(a) When she was eighteen.
(b) After her father died.
(c) Under the orange tree.
(d) Before she was six.

10. How does Cunegonde's brother react to Candide's plan to marry Cunegonde?
(a) He is indifferent because of his priestly position.
(b) He is not pleased with the idea.
(c) He is delighted that she will marry someone from Westphalia.
(d) He is surprised Candide will marry damaged goods.

11. What does Candide's tutor teach the children?
(a) There is no effect without a cause.
(b) Love is patient.
(c) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
(d) The meek will inherit the earth.

12. How does Candide escape?
(a) On an Andalusian horse.
(b) On a boat.
(c) Hidden in a horse-drawn cart.
(d) Dressed as a chambermaid.

13. Why does Candide kill the Grand Inquisitor?
(a) He wants to have Cunégonde for his own slave.
(b) He thinks the Grand Inquisitor has raped Cunégonde.
(c) He believes the Grand Inquisitor will have him burned.
(d) He wants to impress Cunégonde with his power.

14. In Waldberghofftrarbk-dikdorff, who offers Candide food and drink?
(a) A charwoman.
(b) Dr. Pangloss.
(c) A priest.
(d) Two men.

15. When the old woman and her mother had been on board a ship belonging to the Pope, what event occurred?
(a) The ship sank in a storm.
(b) Pirates attacked them.
(c) The ship ran aground on a desert island.
(d) the ship was attacked by a Moorish fleet.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much of Lisbon is destroyed by the earthquake?

2. The old woman says she once resembled who?

3. What does the Governor have a "furious lust" for?

4. To whom does Candide give the two coins someone gave him in Chapter 3?

5. What do Candide and Cunegonde's brother do for a long time in Chapter 14?

(see the answer keys)

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