Candide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 345 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Candide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 345 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Candide do after the Baron hits him with his sword?
(a) He calls for help.
(b) He slaps him back.
(c) He stabs the Baron.
(d) He runs away.

2. Where does the Princess of Palestrina collapse after she escapes from the Moors?
(a) In a barn.
(b) Under an orange tree.
(c) In a river.
(d) On the Emperor's bed.

3. Who do Candide and Cacambo plan to join?
(a) A native tribe.
(b) A local group of pirates.
(c) The Jesuits.
(d) The Moors.

4. Where is the castle of Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh located?
(a) Turkey.
(b) France.
(c) Westphalia.
(d) Transylvania.

5. What town do Candide, Cunégonde, and the old woman reach before anyone realizes Mr. Issachar and the Grand Inquisitor are dead?
(a) Madrid.
(b) Cadiz.
(c) Avacena.
(d) Sevilla.

6. Who develops a solution to prevent further earthquakes?
(a) The University of Coimbre.
(b) The University of Westphalia.
(c) Pangloss.
(d) Candide.

7. What are the people of Cadiz doing in Chapter 10?
(a) Having a fiesta.
(b) Building new houses.
(c) Having a religious service.
(d) Putting together an army.

8. How does Cunegonde's brother say he escaped?
(a) He got to the secret tunnel that led out of the castle and got away.
(b) After being buried alive, he clawed his way out and was helped by a priest.
(c) He took the Bulgarian uniform off a corps and was not discovered.
(d) Salty holy water sprinkled on his eyes let the priest know he was alive.

9. What happens to the main who arrives on the ship that pulls into the harbor while Cunégonde and the governor are speaking?
(a) He is granted immunity.
(b) He is made a captain.
(c) He is flogged.
(d) He is hanged.

10. What happens to Candide and Pangloss in the auto-da-fe?
(a) Candide is sold, but Pangloss is flogged.
(b) Candide and Pangloss are exiled.
(c) Candide is freed, but Pangloss is burned.
(d) Candide is flogged, and Pangloss is hanged.

11. What does Candide tell Don Fernando about Cunegonde?
(a) That she is about to be his wife.
(b) thet she is married to him.
(c) That she is a carrier of the plague.
(d) That she is a nun.

12. Why is Candide kicked out of the castle?
(a) He is not succeeding at his studies.
(b) His mother has arrived and is unwelcome.
(c) He is caught kissing Cunégonde..
(d) He is making advances on the maid.

13. How does Candide escape?
(a) On a boat.
(b) Dressed as a chambermaid.
(c) Hidden in a horse-drawn cart.
(d) On an Andalusian horse.

14. What do the Janissaries eat when they are under attack?
(a) Two slaves.
(b) Eggs and bacon.
(c) Two eunuchs and two buttocks.
(d) Bread and cheese.

15. Who returns to the house to find Mr. Issachar dead?
(a) The Bulgarian soldier.
(b) The Grand Inquisitor.
(c) The old woman.
(d) The Baron's son.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 2, after running away, Candide is caught and given what choice?

2. What is the setting of the first chapter?

3. Who is Candide's mother?

4. Why does the captain kill the Bulgarian who is attacking Cunégonde?

5. Why does Candide ask to be shot in the head?

(see the answer keys)

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