Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Patty Duke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Patty Duke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By what name does Duke refer to the Rosses in Chapter 12?
(a) Bonnie and Clyde.
(b) Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Hitler.
(c) The Billy-the-Kid gang.
(d) Mr. and Mrs. Jack the Ripper.

2. What role-playing game did Duke play with her childhood friend, Margie?
(a) Acting.
(b) Being nuns.
(c) Acting as parents.
(d) Teaching.

3. What word did the Rosses use to tell Duke about the way she looked?
(a) Attractive.
(b) Cute.
(c) Ugly.
(d) Plain.

4. What night of the year was it when Duke's sister went out with a man and her mother attacked herself?
(a) Christmas Eve.
(b) New Year's Eve.
(c) Easter Sunday.
(d) The Fourth of July.

5. Why was The Patty Duke Show so exciting for Duke to do?
(a) She was in love with her boyfriend co-star.
(b) The TV role was challenging for her to do.
(c) She simply loved television acting.
(d) She had some freedom at last.

6. Who did Duke have her most memorable meeting with during the run of The Miracle Worker?
(a) Elizabeth Taylor.
(b) Cary Grant.
(c) Helen Keller.
(d) Katharine Cornell.

7. What was Duke's real name, that the Rosses wanted to change?
(a) Maria Ann.
(b) Patricia Ann.
(c) Anna Marie.
(d) Anne Marie.

8. What writer did Duke have a crush on in Chapter 8?
(a) John Mortimer.
(b) Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
(c) Arthur Penn.
(d) Walter Miller.

9. In Chapter 12, what were the black woman's cats referred to as?
(a) Meows.
(b) Chirruns.
(c) Choo-choos.
(d) Kitties.

10. What was "Skelly and Larney's"?
(a) A neighborhood bar.
(b) A funeral home.
(c) The local deli.
(d) The church.

11. In Chapter 11, what did a woman in the supermarket say to Duke in 1979, which led her to lose forty pounds?
(a) She called her too fat for the aisles.
(b) She asked when Duke's baby was due.
(c) She asked if Duke needed help walking.
(d) She told Duke she could not see past her.

12. Why did Duke sometimes purposely make mistakes during rehearsals of The Miracle Worker?
(a) She felt underpaid.
(b) To get Arthur Penn to talk to her.
(c) To disturb the Rosses.
(d) She was very tired.

13. What had Ethel Ross once done for a living?
(a) She sang.
(b) She waited tables.
(c) She was an actress.
(d) She was a dancer.

14. What did Duke do in Chapter 13 when John Ross made advances towards her in the hotel room?
(a) Smacked him in the face.
(b) Threw up on him.
(c) Ran out the door.
(d) Called the police.

15. Which of her very first acting jobs does Duke remember best?
(a) A documentary for wayward children.
(b) The movie, "The Stepford Wives."
(c) A Christmastime commercial.
(d) The film, "I'll Cry Tomorrow."

Short Answer Questions

1. What event took place for Duke on March 7, 1960?

2. On which bridge in Chapter 4 was Duke traveling in a taxi cab when she got out and ran away, scared?

3. What has Ray not done ever since his father died?

4. What does Duke associate the smells of Old Spice and alcohol with?

5. What part on The Patty Duke Show did Jean Byron play?

(see the answer keys)

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