Call It Courage Test | Final Test - Easy

Armstrong Sperry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Call It Courage Test | Final Test - Easy

Armstrong Sperry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mafatu fall asleep?
(a) Quckly.
(b) Fitfully.
(c) Eventually.
(d) Full of his own confidence.

2. What leads toward the sea and to a large clearing?
(a) Foot prints.
(b) A trail of shells.
(c) The trail.
(d) A stream.

3. What does Mafatu discover lying on the beach?
(a) A shark.
(b) The skeleton of a whale.
(c) A raft.
(d) A man.

4. What does he need to make a fishhook?
(a) Metal.
(b) A rock.
(c) Some bone.
(d) A shell.

5. Who does he praise for bringing him safely to this island and for giving him courage?
(a) His mother.
(b) Kana.
(c) Moana.
(d) Maui.

6. How does he move toward the idol?
(a) He circles it.
(b) He inches toward it.
(c) He glides toward it.
(d) He runs toward it.

7. Why is he starting to think that perhaps his ending up on this spot was a cruel joke on the part of Moana, the Sea God?
(a) He will not be able to find shelter.
(b) Moana wants him back in the sea.
(c) Moana will not allow him food.
(d) Perhaps Moana was upset for having been cheated.

8. How does Mafatu fell a tree?
(a) By tying a rope to it and pulling on it.
(b) With an axe.
(c) By burning the base of the tree.
(d) By climbing up it and leaning to the side.

9. What symbolizes the courage it took to approach the sacred idol and seize what he needed?
(a) The vines.
(b) The banana tree.
(c) The spearhead.
(d) The clearing.

10. What frightens Mafatu?
(a) The dark water.
(b) The waves.
(c) The current.
(d) To see the shark heading right for his dog.

11. About what is Mafatu unsure?
(a) What food is safe to eat.
(b) Where his friends have gone.
(c) How to hunt.
(d) Which island he is on.

12. What does he want from his town and his father?
(a) To be left alone.
(b) Respect.
(c) To find him.
(d) A job.

13. What has happened when he had taken an item from a sacred place?
(a) A strong wind blew.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Drumming.
(d) Lightning and thunder.

14. What is he able to make?
(a) A flying machine.
(b) A gun.
(c) Nets, knives, sharkline and fishhooks.
(d) A hammock.

15. When does Mafatu climb up into the branches of the tree?
(a) As the tree is falling.
(b) After the tree has fallen.
(c) When the fire has almost burned through the trunk of the tree.
(d) Before he fells the tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has rooted Mafatu to the ground?

2. He has faced a fear and come out unharmed. What is this?

3. Where are fish hooks made from bone, coconut-shell bowls, an extra clothing garment made waterproof for wet weather, and a coil of sennit found?

4. What can he use to make a raft?

5. Why did he initially think that Maui had led him to this island?

(see the answer keys)

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