Cakes and Ale: Or the Skeleton in the Cupboard Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cakes and Ale: Or the Skeleton in the Cupboard Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Roy and William meet?

2. With what is Ted preoccupied?

3. What happens between Ted and his nurse?

4. What does William think should be abolished?

5. What does Rosie read a lot of?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Rosie's home and Rose herself.

2. Briefly describe how William and Rosie's relationship continues.

3. Who are a couple other regulars at the Driffields' parties?

4. Why does Ted buy the house he buys and what does Amy do despite Ted fighting her about it?

5. What do Roy, Amy and William do when William arrives at Amy's home?

6. What is Rosie's response to William's sulkiness about Kuyper and other men?

7. How does William re-connect with the Driffields?

8. What are a couple things William discovers about Rosie?

9. What does Rosie do at night while Ted writes?

10. What is said about Rosie as William, Amy and Roy look at photographs?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In chapter 7, William wonders why the adult Driffields bother with a dull, quiet, and pretentious adolescent but they take him sailing and picnicking and William becomes passionate about rubbing brasses and occasionally spends time in the church yard talking with Rosie who treats him like a grown-up. Discuss the following:

1. Do you think William's aunt and uncle have a right to fear the influence of Ted and Rosie? Why or why not?

2. William says he becomes passionate about rubbing brasses, which is a pastime Ted introduces to William. What does this say about William's impressionistic nature? Is William easily influenced as a youth? What about as an adult when conferring with Amy and Roy?

3. Do you think having one or two adults outside the family involved in a young person's life makes a difference for that person? How? Is this a positive thing? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 2

In Chapter 4, when William is thinking back to the one time he meets Amy he remembers Amy is anxious that William not stir up painful old memories in the frail old man. On the ride back, Hodmarsh defends Amy as a sacrificial caregiver. Discuss the following:

1. What do you think are the motives behind Amy not wanting to stir up memories in Ted? Do you believe her motives are completely concerned only with getting Ted upset?

2. Why do you think Lady Hodmarsh feels the need to defend Amy as a "sacrificial caregiver?" Could Amy have more than one motive to prompt her to be a "sacrificial caregiver"? What reasons might Amy have for devoting her every minute as Ted's caregiver?

3. Amy wants Roy to sanitize Ted's life in the biography he is writing. What do you think are her motives? Are they understandable and justifiable?

Essay Topic 3

Ted Driffield is married twice and has one other woman figure prominently in his life. Discuss the following:

1. Compare and contrast Rosie Driffield with Amy Driffield. Who seems more real, sincere, or honest? Which of them do you think was more helpful to Ted's artistic endeavors? Why? Do you think Rosie could have done for Ted what Amy does for Ted? What about Amy doing for Ted what Rosie does for him? Explain fully.

2. Compare and contrast Rosie Driffield with Isabel Trafford. Who seems more real, sincere, or honest? Which of them do you think was more helpful to Ted's artistic endeavors? Why? Do you think Rosie could have done for Ted what Isabel does for him? What do you think about Isabel doing for Ted what Rosie does for him? Explain fully.

3. Compare and contrast Amy Driffield with Isabel Trafford. Who seems more real, sincere, or honest? Which of them do you think was more helpful to Ted's artistic endeavors? Why? Do you think Amy could have done for Ted what Isabel does for Ted? What about Isabel doing for Ted what Amy does for him? Explain fully.

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