Cakes and Ale: Or the Skeleton in the Cupboard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cakes and Ale: Or the Skeleton in the Cupboard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who keeps Rosie occupied for a couple weeks?
(a) Kear.
(b) Kemp.
(c) Jack Kuyper.
(d) Ted.

2. What does Ted next write?
(a) By Their Fruits.
(b) Fruit of the Vine.
(c) Fruits of the Tree.
(d) By Their Lessons.

3. What does Rosie say will happen in a hundred years?
(a) People will live the way they wish.
(b) People will revere William as a poet.
(c) They will all be dead and none of this will matter.
(d) Women will be as free as men to enjoy sex without censure.

4. Why does Amy think it good that Rosie leaves Ted?
(a) She drained Ted's ability to write.
(b) She was probably diseased.
(c) Ted would not have been great otherwise.
(d) She drained Ted's finances.

5. What happens between Ted and his nurse?
(a) They collaborate on a new book.
(b) She ends up suing him.
(c) She ends up introducing him to his next wife.
(d) They marry.

6. Who attends Ted and Rosie's parties who helps propel artists to fame?
(a) The Editor of McMillian Publishing.
(b) The Duke of York.
(c) Isabel Trafford.
(d) Lord George.

7. What does William notice about Amy?
(a) She is good at getting her own way.
(b) She is a bit churlish.
(c) She is quite pretty.
(d) She is submissive to men.

8. Where does William meet Rosie one day?
(a) Outside the gentleman's club.
(b) In a small book store along the Thames.
(c) At a tea party.
(d) At Vauxhall Bridge Road.

9. What does William think of as the "crown of literature?"
(a) Rhetoric.
(b) Poetry.
(c) Drama.
(d) Fiction.

10. To whom has Roy grown close?
(a) Amy.
(b) William.
(c) The Traffords.
(d) Rosie.

11. What does Ted publish?
(a) The Life of Chasing the Grail.
(b) The Cup of Life.
(c) The Cup is Full.
(d) The Life's Cup.

12. What is Amy sure that Ted did not know?
(a) About Rosie's affairs.
(b) That Rosie had been married twice before meeting Ted.
(c) That Rosie talked badly about Ted behind his back.
(d) About Ted's brother taking all the money from his parents' estate.

13. Where do Roy and William meet?
(a) Victoria Station.
(b) Straford-on-Avon.
(c) Near Big Ben.
(d) Trafalger Square.

14. What is the Bear and Key where William stays like?
(a) Grubby and unchanged.
(b) Clean but sparsely furnished.
(c) Newly remodeled and elegant.
(d) In a total state of disrepair.

15. Why does William say Ted would not have taken Rosie back?
(a) Ted would feel cuckolded.
(b) Ted would always wonder if she would leave again and it would harm his artitic life.
(c) Ted would be afraid he would not measure up to Kemp.
(d) Ted's strong feelings had passed.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what do the Driffields invite William?

2. How does Rosie act about her and Ted leaving debts in Blackstable?

3. What habit does William get into doing?

4. What does Ted's study smell like?

5. What does William discover that surprises him?

(see the answer keys)

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