The Caine Mutiny Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Caine Mutiny Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Queeg, what happened in Barzun in 1937?
(a) 50 fried chickens disappeared.
(b) Five pounds of cheese disappeared.
(c) An entire cake went missing.
(d) The captain's log was stolen.

2. How does Maryk know that Admiral Halsey is anchored near the Caine?
(a) He always travels on the same boat.
(b) Keith deciphers a message.
(c) A four star flag is flying on one of the nearby ships.
(d) They ask a friend on the ship.

3. What goes missing in Chapter 26?
(a) Ice cream.
(b) The key to the icebox.
(c) Strawberries.
(d) Maryk's secret log.

4. Who said Willie would be okay after his behind had been kicked bloody?
(a) Captain De Vriess.
(b) Captain Queeg.
(c) Mr. Keith.
(d) Maryk.

5. How many men does the Caine pull from the wreckage of the George Black?
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) One.
(d) Ten.

6. What does Captain Blakely do when Willie starts telling about the loss of the crate of liquor?
(a) He warns the defense to stop smearing a naval officer.
(b) He grimaces horribly.
(c) He supports Challee's objection on the matter.
(d) He puts his head in his hands.

7. Who is the last Captain of the Caine?
(a) Captain White.
(b) Captain Queeg.
(c) Tom Keefer.
(d) Willie Keith.

8. What was the result of Queeg's action in the Barzun incident?
(a) He was made mess treasurer.
(b) He was docked $10 of pay.
(c) He received an unsatisfactory fitness report.
(d) He received a letter of commendation.

9. How much did Greenwald make four years out of law school?
(a) $20,000.
(b) $45,000.
(c) $10,000.
(d) $50,000.

10. What is Willie doing when he hears the news of Japan's surrender?
(a) He is on the bridge.
(b) He is reading.
(c) He is eating.
(d) He is meeting with the officers.

11. What does Greenwald do during his toast to Keefer?
(a) He holds up the acquittal notice.
(b) He spits in Keefer's face.
(c) He throws a glass of wine in Keefer's face.
(d) He congratulates him on his book.

12. Halsey's ship has what that is as big as the Caine's main guns?
(a) An anchor.
(b) A masthead.
(c) A pelican hook.
(d) Deck guns.

13. What metaphor does Barney Greenwald use to describe his legal tricks?
(a) Like taking candy from a baby.
(b) Like shooting fish in a barrel.
(c) Like getting blood from a turnip.
(d) Once in a blue moon.

14. Who is captain of the Caine when the Kamikaze hits?
(a) White.
(b) Keefer.
(c) De Vriess.
(d) Keith.

15. When Queeg freezes up, what does he cling to?
(a) The telegraph stand.
(b) His bunk.
(c) The wheel.
(d) The crow's nest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Challee contrasts whose years of service with Queeg's?

2. The boats are trying to refuel while the waves are how tall?

3. Maryk testifies that he had the authority to relieve Captain Queeg according to which three articles?

4. Admiral Halsey commits to an air strike in support of what?

5. Queeg tells Keefer he thinks the thief is who?

(see the answer keys)

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