Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Some brilliant colors of male birds in June change to what by winter?
(a) They remain the same once they are fully grown.
(b) They do not even appear like the same bird.
(c) They diminish somewhat in their colors.
(d) They become even more intense in splendor.

2. What were other terms used to refer to cedar waxwings in Cache Lake country?
(a) Cedar or cherry birds.
(b) Redbreast or cedar birds.
(c) Cherry or redwing birds.
(d) Redwing or redbreast birds.

3. What did Chief Tibeash refer to deep-water trolling using copper wire 100 yards long and a single pound sinker?
(a) "Supply fishing."
(b) "Ration fishing."
(c) "Provision fishing."
(d) "Stock fishing."

4. Jim related how he once capsized when he canoed about 5 days out from civilization, but he kept his matches dry how?
(a) In a small watertight bottle.
(b) In a plastic container.
(c) In a wax paper package.
(d) In a sap covered matchbox.

5. Gabby was what type of bird that remained through the winter instead of flying south?
(a) A moosebird.
(b) A barn owl.
(c) A mockingbird.
(d) A goose.

6. A cold room in the ground was built of double board walls separated by 2"x4" uprights, and the space between filled with what substance?
(a) Sand.
(b) Sawdust.
(c) Pine cones.
(d) Wood chips.

7. Diagrams and instructions were provided on how to construct what pair of aids for making one's way across the frozen lakes?
(a) Ice climbers.
(b) Ice boots.
(c) Ice creepers.
(d) Ice skates.

8. Although hard on the shoulders, how was it suggested paddles might be lashed for portaging a canoe?
(a) Centered crisscross with handle ends on opposite sides.
(b) Parallel to the sides with handle ends in opposite direction.
(c) Centered perpendicular to the sides with handle ends on same side.
(d) Parallel to the sides with handle ends in same direction,

9. What toys did Chief Tibeash and his brothers whittle as boys for use in the winter on the lakes?
(a) Sliding sticks.
(b) Skates.
(c) Tops.
(d) Sliding boats.

10. Conifers bear evergreen needles and cones, while deciduous shed leaves annually. Which 3 were called "deciduous conifer"?
(a) Northern pine, balsam fir, and weeping willow.
(b) Tamarack, hackmatack, and black larch.
(c) Larch, western juniper, and black fir.
(d) Balsam fir, eastern hemlock, and tamarack.

11. The company's plane made its last flight in November until the lake ice was solid and it could land with what equipment?
(a) Skis on snow-cushioned lake ice.
(b) Skis on snow-cleared lake ice.
(c) Wheels on snow-cleared lake ice.
(d) Wheels on snow-cushioned lake ice.

12. How long was a side of bacon hung in the smokehouse?
(a) 1 full week.
(b) Several days.
(c) 6-12 hours.
(d) 12-24 hours.

13. It was recommended that any bacon taken was lean for what reason?
(a) Lean bacon kept longer.
(b) Fat bacon was tougher.
(c) Fat bacon left little once fried.
(d) Lean bacon was healthier.

14. How much flour was recommended could be substituted per each loaf of bread taken for a week's venture?
(a) 1/3 lbs.
(b) 1/4 lbs.
(c) None.
(d) 1/2 lbs.

15. When he tracked a bear in light snow and saw it wandered here and there, Chief Tibeash said that indicated it had likely done what?
(a) Sought a hibernation spot.
(b) Ferreted out a mate.
(c) Explored for food.
(d) Looked for a missing cub.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was a mattress that was ordered from a catalog transported to Cache Lake?

2. Jim tried to do what if a thunderstorm came up when he was on the lake in his canoe?

3. Pictures of what animals were noted to be about the most difficult to get?

4. Jim noted that Chief Tibeash eyed everything when on the trail and walked as quietly as what animal?

5. It took both patience and time to tame a wild animal, so what was suggested?

(see the answer keys)

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