Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jim noted the distance from his cabin to Faraway See Hill, where he and Chief Tibeash looked over the fall colors annually, was what?
(a) 4 miles straightaway, 7 by trail.
(b) 5 miles straightaway, 8 by trail.
(c) 2 miles straightaway, 5 by trail.
(d) 3 miles straightaway, 6 by trail.

2. What was described as the best hour a summer day offered?
(a) Midnight.
(b) Dusk.
(c) Dawn.
(d) Noon.

3. The diagram of the trail cooking outfit showed a metal plate, bowl, cup, and pails made from what metal?
(a) Steel.
(b) Aluminum.
(c) Iron.
(d) Tin.

4. Experienced sled dogs were said to work best when fed at what time of day?
(a) The end.
(b) Just prior to a trip.
(c) The beginning.
(d) The midday.

5. Where was it noted the lightning bugs did not fly so much?
(a) Over the open water.
(b) Along the shoreline.
(c) In the open places.
(d) Over rocky areas.

6. What was the main rule in a form of football that Indians played with a wood chip initially buried in an area between 2 goal sticks at each end?
(a) Use only toes and feet to dig the chip out and kick it to the goal.
(b) Use only toes to dig the chip out and nudge it with a stick to the goal.
(c) Stay on one foot and use a stick to dig and nudge the chip to the goal.
(d) Use a stick with hands behind to dig and nudge the chip to the goal.

7. Three blasts on the horn made from that of a buffalo was suggested to signal what?
(a) Pie was ready.
(b) Meet to fish on my lake.
(c) Time to get up.
(d) Help was needed.

8. Why was August identified as the most favorable time for traveling in the north woods?
(a) Black flies, mosquitoes, and midges were nearly gone.
(b) It was the harvest season with cool days and nights.
(c) The weather tended to be comfortable with cooling days.
(d) Days and nights were warm and usually settled.

9. What was it Chief Tibeash suggested Hank's ice boat would be suitable for chasing when these animals crossed the lake?
(a) Foxes.
(b) Lynxes.
(c) Deer.
(d) Wolves.

10. What did Hank once make a model of?
(a) A birch canoe.
(b) An Indian tepee.
(c) A logging camp.
(d) His cabin and trees.

11. What was Hank's "ice boat" constructed from that had his canoe sail rigged to it?
(a) 2 reversed tree crotch ends lashed on the sides and angle iron runners.
(b) 1 4-foot water trough set lengthwise on old skis.
(c) 1 barrel half cut and set lengthwise attached to angle iron rails.
(d) 1 free-standing bathtub set lengthwise to narrow pipe runners.

12. It was suggested that "butterflies seem to dress to suit" what?
(a) The temperature.
(b) The season.
(c) The time of day.
(d) The amount of sun.

13. Chief Tibeash dried fish in the sun, removed the gills and eyes, then wrapped them well separated in dry moss to keep them for how long?
(a) 3 days.
(b) For the following morning.
(c) Later that night.
(d) 1-2 days.

14. A pair of canoes were sometimes lashed together how far apart with saplings across the stern and forward thwarts?
(a) A few feet apart.
(b) Approximately five feet apart or more.
(c) Tight together.
(d) A few inches.

15. September days were described as often having been clear and feeling what?
(a) Cold.
(b) Cool.
(c) Hot.
(d) Warm.

Short Answer Questions

1. Gabby was what type of bird that remained through the winter instead of flying south?

2. Some brilliant colors of male birds in June change to what by winter?

3. It was recommended that any bacon taken was lean for what reason?

4. Striking two chunks of pyrite yielded sparks that could kindle a fire, and iron pyrite was commonly called what?

5. What were the woods described as having been like in July?

(see the answer keys)

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