Butcher's Crossing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Butcher's Crossing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the protagonist's age described?
(a) Late twenties.
(b) Early twenties.
(c) Early thirties.
(d) Late teens.

2. How many weeks of provisions does the hunting party bring on the trip?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 6.
(d) 8.

3. Who funds the hunting expedition?
(a) Miller.
(b) Andrews.
(c) Charley.
(d) McDonald.

4. Miller tells Schneider that his protests about finding water make Miller think that Schneider just wants what?
(a) A medal for bravery.
(b) An extra week of pay.
(c) A nice rest.
(d) A black eye.

5. What is NOT a sound perceived by Andrews during his brief periods of wakefulness during his first night in Butcher's Crossing?
(a) The jingling of bridle bells.
(b) The laughter of a woman.
(c) A shrill scream.
(d) The sounds of voices.

6. Who rides beside Andrews throughout the hunting expedition?
(a) McDonald.
(b) Charley.
(c) Miller.
(d) Schneider.

7. Who starts the first campfire of the hunting expedition trip?
(a) Miller.
(b) Andrews.
(c) Charley.
(d) Schneider.

8. The bartender tells Andrews that when he does find Miller, Miller will likely be sitting with whom?
(a) Schneider.
(b) Francine.
(c) Charley.
(d) Andrews's father.

9. Who serves as the leader of the hunting expedition?
(a) Schneider.
(b) McDonald.
(c) Miller.
(d) Charley.

10. The hunting party at one point comes upon the dead carcass of what animal?
(a) A buffalo calf.
(b) A dog.
(c) A buffalo cow.
(d) A buffalo bull.

11. Andrews is told that McDonald can be found in "a little shack just this side of" (15) what feature?
(a) The brining pits.
(b) The jail.
(c) The marsh.
(d) The only restaurant in town.

12. What had Andrews been doing back east before traveling to Butcher's Crossing?
(a) He had spent one semester at Harvard College.
(b) He had spent two years at Harvard College.
(c) He had spent three years at Harvard College.
(d) He had spent one year at Harvard College.

13. What does Miller do to help the man traveling from Ohio to California?
(a) He tells the man where to turn off the trail for help.
(b) He gives the man a canteen of water.
(c) He shoots the man's horse and gives him a new one.
(d) He shoots the man's rabid dog.

14. On his first morning spent in Butcher's Crossing, who tells Andrews where McDonald lives?
(a) The post office clerk.
(b) The brothel madame.
(c) The hotel clerk.
(d) The doctor.

15. When Miller asks why Andrews had turned down a job with McDonald, what is Andrews's reply?
(a) He has no experience in blacksmith work.
(b) He does not want to be tied down.
(c) He has no experience in tanning hides.
(d) He does not think he would like McDonald's managerial style.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to cause Miller to decide to use the last of the party's water for the oxen and horses?

2. To what state does the trail that Schneider wants to follow toward water eventually lead?

3. When the hunting party camps on the open prairie, how much water is left after they allow the horses and oxen to drink?

4. What event does McDonald say will change everything about the town of Butcher's Crossing soon?

5. What does Andrews's family member who wrote the letter to McDonald do for a living?

(see the answer keys)

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