Burnt Sugar Test | Final Test - Medium

Avni Doshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burnt Sugar Test | Final Test - Medium

Avni Doshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Antara decided in "2002" but does not tell her family?
(a) To move to London.
(b) Not to attend art school.
(c) To visit America.
(d) To study literature.

2. What does Dilip find in Antara's studio which she had told him she lost?
(a) The photo she has been drawing pictures of every day.
(b) Her license.
(c) Tara's medicine.
(d) Her birth certificate.

3. What does Antara quickly learn she is not to speak of when she and her mother are at her grandparents in "1989"?
(a) Her father.
(b) Tara.
(c) Her father's new wife.
(d) Baba.

4. What is Tara holding when Antara wakes to find her lying beside her in bed in Chapter 24?
(a) A photo of Reza.
(b) A photo of Baba.
(c) A razor blade.
(d) A knife.

5. Where does Tara have the trucker take them when she and Antara leave the ashram?
(a) Her mother's house.
(b) Delhi.
(c) Bombay.
(d) Pune Club.

Short Answer Questions

1. What significant event occurred in Chapter 18 which caused Tara grief?

2. What does Reza tell Antara when she tells him how repulsive she finds him in "1996"?

3. What does Antara mark on her calendar after she finds out she is pregnant in Chapter 22?

4. What year do Antara and Tara leave the ashram?

5. What does Tara begin to think after finding laundry in her basket that she does not remembering putting there?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 14, what does Antara tell Dilip when he finds the photo from her art project that she has always claimed to have lost?

2. Why does Antara begin thinking more seriously about getting pregnant?

3. How do the girls at the boarding school trying to turn the brutalities they receive from Sister Maria Theresa into a game?

4. Where is Antara when she first sees Reza in "2003"?

5. What does Antara write in her diary in "1993"?

6. How is Purvi's husband described in Chapter 16?

7. Why does Antara wish Kali Mata is there after having her baby in Chapter 27?

8. What does Tara say to Dilip in Chapter 14 about Antara's daily art project?

9. Why is Tara brought to Antara at the beginning of Chapter 12, "1986" and how does she react?

10. How does Antara respond to Dilip when he says she was rude to their maid and that Americans would not speak to a maid like that?

(see the answer keys)

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