Burnt Sugar Test | Final Test - Easy

Avni Doshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burnt Sugar Test | Final Test - Easy

Avni Doshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Reza's job before working at the diner?
(a) Teacher.
(b) Military personell.
(c) Police officer.
(d) Photojournalist.

2. Why do the Governors move out of their apartment in Chapter 22?
(a) Mr. Governor got a job in England.
(b) Mrs. Governor moved the U.S. with her boyfriend.
(c) Mrs. Governor's affair became well known in Pune.
(d) Mrs. Governor wanted to be closer to her boyfriend in Bombay.

3. What does Reza tell Antara about her skin issues in "1995"?
(a) He tells her she needs to change her diet.
(b) He tells her it will get better in time.
(c) He tells her she looks beautiful regardless.
(d) He tells her that her skin may never clear up.

4. What does Tara tell Antara she had dreams of at the start of Chapter 14?
(a) She had dreams she was dying.
(b) She had dreams Antara died.
(c) She said she had dreams that Antara was pregnant.
(d) She had dreams of Baba.

5. Why is Antara taken to the nurse at her boarding school toward the end of "1989"?
(a) She developed red blotches on her face.
(b) She had a high fever.
(c) She was vomiting.
(d) She passed out.

6. Where does Tara sleep when she comes to stay with Dilip and Antara in Chapter 14?
(a) The living room.
(b) Dilip and Antara's room.
(c) Antara's studio.
(d) The guest room.

7. What does Tara tell Antara she needs to stop doing at the end of Chapter 18?
(a) Paying her maid.
(b) Living at her apartment.
(c) Trying to take are of her.
(d) Making her drawings.

8. How long is Antara at the ashram before she begins to sleep ok?
(a) 1 month.
(b) 4 months.
(c) 4 weeks.
(d) 1 week.

9. Where do Reza and Antara go after the gallery opening in "2003"?
(a) A nightclub.
(b) His apartment.
(c) A bar.
(d) Her apartment.

10. Who does Antara find has called her multiple times while she was with Reza for a few days in Chapter 25?
(a) Tara.
(b) Nani.
(c) Kali Mata.
(d) Her father.

11. Why do the followers at the ashram get Antara's mother at the start of "1986"?
(a) Antara begged to see her mother.
(b) Antara was becoming defiant.
(c) Antara had not eaten and passed out.
(d) Antara ran away.

12. What does Reza say when he hears Antara tell his friends Tara died?
(a) He asks how she died.
(b) Nothing.
(c) He tells Antara how sorry he is.
(d) He asks why nobody told him.

13. What do the girls at the boarding school pretend their welts and bruises are in "1989"?
(a) Love bites.
(b) Rings and bangles.
(c) Kiss marks.
(d) Tattoos.

14. What is the name of the waiter Tara and Antara meet at a diner while getting sundaes?
(a) Reza Pine.
(b) Roger Pine.
(c) Rita Pane.
(d) Govinda Pine.

15. What year do Antara and Tara leave the ashram?
(a) 1989.
(b) 1991.
(c) 1987.
(d) 1993.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does everyone want to discuss when Dilip and Antara attend a party in Chapter 13?

2. What significant event occurred in Chapter 18 which caused Tara grief?

3. What does Dilip say in regards to the mushroom's Purvi's husband describes which latch onto caterpillars?

4. What do Dilip and Antara find Tara had done when she was in Antara's studio in Chapter 14?

5. Why does Antara ask Purvi for her jeweler's number in Chapter 22?

(see the answer keys)

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