Burial Rites Test | Final Test - Hard

Hannah Kent
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Burial Rites Test | Final Test - Hard

Hannah Kent
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 10, what does Lauga hear about Agnes in relation to the execution?

2. Who does Agnes first see when she reaches Illugastadir?

3. What does Agnes admire about Natan, as descried in Chapter 9?

4. What position does Natan offer to Agnes when she first arrives at his farm?

5. What position has Sigga taken over when Agnes moves into Natan's farm?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is an example of how Margret begins to trust Agnes and appreciate her knowledge?

2. In Poet-Rosa's poem to Natan Ketilsson, what overall message does she convey to him?

3. In what ways does Agnes help Roslin get through her birth?

4. Ravens are a common theme throughout the story. What do the ravens represent in the following scenario? Agnes turned away after finding Fridrik kicking Natan's dead sheep outside. She felt this was only the beginning of a more violent incident to come. "I turned around ... and saw a raven descent upon the sheep. It gave a mournful caw and then plunged its beak into the innards" (267). The ravens brutally attacked an already dead animal right after Agnes sees Fridrik committed the same act.

5. How does Agnes describe her feelings and relationship with Natan after having a dream?

6. What is at the crux of the disagreement between Blondal and Reverend Toti about Agnes?

7. How does Agnes feel when she discerns that Sigga has the position of housekeeper?

8. What did Daniel, Natan's worker, say to Agnes about her relationship? Why?

9. Why does Margret worry about the relationship she is fostering with Agnes?

10. How does Agnes describe the Northern Lights her foster-father showed her?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Blondal may have showed favoritism, because Natan apparently cured Blondal's wife. Do you believe that it is acceptable for people to use favors to manipulate other situations? In what cases may it be/not be acceptable?

Essay Topic 2

When Agnes faces the day of her execution all she wants to do is live, despite the distressing essence of the life she led prior. Why would Agnes become such a different person? Provide three textual pieces that prove she was not afraid of death until execution faced her directly.

Essay Topic 3

To what extent does Reverend Toti fulfill his task of bringing Agnes to God? Give two examples of when he is successful and two of when he failed.

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