Brown Girl, Brownstones Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brown Girl, Brownstones Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book 4, which of the following does Selina notice when comparing herself to the other girls at the party?
(a) That she lacks all ambition.
(b) That she looks like a boy.
(c) That she is smarter than all of them.
(d) That she is very thin and sad.

2. Whom does Selina seek comfort with following her bad experience at the Benton house?
(a) Miss Thompson.
(b) Ina.
(c) Clive.
(d) Silla.

3. What are Selina's plans at the end of the book?
(a) That she plans to return to Barbados.
(b) That she still plans to go away.
(c) That she agrees to do what her mother has asked her to do.
(d) That she is planning to move in with Suggie.

4. What does Mrs. Benton say about Selina?
(a) That she is not allowed in her home.
(b) That she is the best dancer who she has ever seen.
(c) That she is too poor to befriend her daughter.
(d) That she is well-spoken for a Negro.

5. Which of the following career types does Silla want Selina to pursue after college?
(a) Political.
(b) Medical.
(c) Legal.
(d) Educational.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 4, where does Selina attend a party despite still deeply grieving over her father's death?

2. How do the other dancers respond to Selina's performance at her dance recital?

3. Upon her eviction, which of the following does Suggie give to Selina?

4. Which of the following does Selina not realize about her relationship with Clive?

5. What does Clive's mother do to his paintings?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Miss Mary dies, Selina dances and laughs with Suggie. What do those actions convey to Selina about herself?

2. What does Selina think about Ina making her engagement announcement in a less than excited way?

3. How does Selina know that her father is truly lost to her family?

4. Does Selina's experience with the Modern Dance Club reinforce Clive's belief that the White people who belong to it are racists?

5. Why is Silla upset with Deighton's adoration of Father Peace?

6. Why does Selina finally leave Clive?

7. What does Clive's relationship with his mother teach Selina about her own relationship with her mother?

8. Why does Miss Thompson tell Selina the story of how her foot became ulcerated?

9. What kind of symbolism is embedded in Selina's new job?

10. Why does Selina decline the Association scholarship?

(see the answer keys)

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