Brown Girl, Brownstones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brown Girl, Brownstones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Selina wish for on her 15th birthday?
(a) For a new best friend.
(b) For a boyfriend.
(c) For her parents to be happy together.
(d) For a new home.

2. How does Selina feel when she realizes that her mother has not told her about the facts of life?
(a) Angry.
(b) Scared.
(c) Betrayed.
(d) Relieved.

3. In Book 3, how does Silla carry out her plan to get money for a house?
(a) She forges her husband's signature and writes to his sister.
(b) She divorces her husband and marries another man.
(c) She kills her husband and inherits the land.
(d) She forces her husband to sell the land.

4. How much does the Boyce family get from the sale of their land?
(a) $900.
(b) $900,000.
(c) $90,000.
(d) $9,000.

5. In Book 3, when she attends the wedding, which of the following does Selina mentally picture herself as being in relation to the bow on her head?
(a) A queen with a crown.
(b) Holding up the world at last.
(c) A unicorn with his horn.
(d) Athena in her flowing gowns.

6. What does Miss Thompson do for a living?
(a) She runs a restaurant.
(b) She runs a beauty shop and cleans offices.
(c) She runs a bakery and does laundry.
(d) She cleans homes for the rich.

7. How do others react when Selina tries to tell them about her mother's plan to sell her father's land?
(a) They tell her that it is not any of her business.
(b) They do not listen to her.
(c) They tell her father.
(d) They tell her mother.

8. What does Selina daydream about when her parents fight?
(a) About running away to California.
(b) About being the white child of the former owners of the brownstone.
(c) About being married to a handsome man who is nice.
(d) About being a better mother than her own.

9. Who is not in the Boyce family photograph?
(a) The son.
(b) Silla.
(c) Selina.
(d) Ina.

10. In Book 3, Chapter 1, what world event changes everyone's lives?
(a) The stock market crash.
(b) The election of a new President of the United States.
(c) The War that has been declared in Europe.
(d) The sinking of the Titanic.

11. What are Deighton's happy news?
(a) That he has inherited land in Barbados.
(b) That he is buying a house.
(c) That they are about to have a son.
(d) That he has gotten a job.

12. In Book 1, Chapter 3, why does the other man think that Deighton will not make money at his latest venture?
(a) Because he is lazy.
(b) Because there are not any good jobs available.
(c) Because he is stupid.
(d) Because White people are not be likely to hire him.

13. What happens to Deighton at the mattress factory?
(a) He gets fired.
(b) He causes a riot.
(c) He has a heart attack.
(d) His arm is injured in the machinery.

14. What does Selina do to Ina when Ina states that she will tell their father how bad he is?
(a) Selina beat ups Ina.
(b) Selina pulls Ina's hair.
(c) Selina tries to strangle Ina.
(d) Selina pushes Ina into a door.

15. What do Selina's parents argue about frequently?
(a) About where to send Selina to school.
(b) About whether they should go back to Barbados.
(c) About whether to have another baby.
(d) About what to do with the land in Barbados.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mary think that Maritze's focus should be?

2. Who is Father Peace?

3. How old is Selina at the opening of the book?

4. What does Selina's mother bring home from work for Selina?

5. What happens when Deighton tries to apply for an accounting job?

(see the answer keys)

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