The Brothers Karamazov Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Brothers Karamazov Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Ivan speak wildly about during his testimony in Mitya's trial?
(a) Jesus.
(b) God.
(c) Hitler.
(d) The devil.

2. How is the courthouse described at the beginning of Mitya's trial?
(a) Sparsely filled.
(b) Filled with only family.
(c) Empty.
(d) Packed.

3. Who is not sympathetic to the prosecuting attorney when he objects the defense's final speech?
(a) The judge.
(b) The crowd.
(c) Mitya.
(d) The jury.

4. Who does Katarina show Alyosha a letter from in Book 11, Chapter 7?
(a) Smerdyakov.
(b) Mitya.
(c) Ivan.
(d) Fyodor.

5. Where is Mitya planning on escaping to after his trial?
(a) Italy.
(b) Portugal.
(c) America.
(d) France.

6. Who is called in but found that their opinions are useless in Mitya's trial?
(a) Medical experts.
(b) Mitya's friends.
(c) Mitya's brothers.
(d) Character witnesses.

7. Who does Katarina say she has a newfound love for in Book 12, Chapter 6?
(a) Mitya.
(b) Ivan.
(c) Pytor.
(d) Alyosha.

8. Which of the following things do Kolya and Alyosha not talk about in Book 10, Chapter 6?
(a) Their friendships.
(b) Love.
(c) Education.
(d) Friends.

9. What does Kirillovich begin quoting from during Mitya's trial in Book 12, Chapter 14?
(a) A history book.
(b) A law book.
(c) The Bible.
(d) A book of poems.

10. Who confesses to Ivan that he killed Fyodor?
(a) Smerdyakov.
(b) Mitya.
(c) Rakitin.
(d) Alyosha.

11. Who tries to create doubt in the minds of the jurors in Book 12, Chapter 12?
(a) Rakitin.
(b) Ippolit.
(c) Kuzma.
(d) Fetyukovich.

12. How old is the girl that Kolya is charged with watching that adores him?
(a) 9.
(b) 10.
(c) 8.
(d) 11.

13. What does the prosecutor's speech appear to be to the peasants and Russians in the courtroom?
(a) Mean.
(b) Harmful.
(c) Condescending.
(d) Rude.

14. Who is the first person called to testify from Mitya's family during his trial?
(a) Ivan.
(b) Mitya.
(c) Alyosha.
(d) Katarina.

15. What does the prosecutor begin his final speech talking about in Mitya's trial?
(a) French society.
(b) The church.
(c) The Bible.
(d) Russian society.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gift does Kolya give to Illyusha when he visits him in Part 4?

2. Who does Grushenka tell Alyosha that she believes Mitya has a secret with?

3. What does Mitya cry out that Katarina has done to him after she testifies in his trial?

4. Whose oration does the audience applaud at the end of Mitya's trial?

5. How does Smerdyakov kill himself?

(see the answer keys)

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