The Brothers Karamazov Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Brothers Karamazov Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Fyodor begin a life of after the death of his last wife?
(a) Womanizing and drinking.
(b) Praying.
(c) He became a recluse.
(d) He beat his sons.

2. Who does Mitya talk to about his soul and asks him to forgive all his sins?
(a) The bartender.
(b) The bellhop.
(c) Grushenka.
(d) The coachman.

3. What is the name of a monk that Alyosha has great respect for?
(a) Zosima.
(b) Fyodor.
(c) Ivan.
(d) Kolya.

4. Who stirs from his bed and realizes the garden gate to Fyodor's house is open in Part 3?
(a) Ivan.
(b) Grigory.
(c) Alyosha.
(d) Smerdyakov.

5. What does Zosima say is the only thing that prevents someone from committing a crime in Book 2, Chapter 5?
(a) A conscience.
(b) Russia.
(c) Humanity.
(d) Christ's law.

6. What happens to the son of the man that Mitya hurt in a bar when he is at school?
(a) Laughed at.
(b) Ridiculed.
(c) Beaten up.
(d) Talked about.

7. What is the name of the baby Lizaveta and Fyodor have?
(a) Smerdyakov.
(b) Ippolit.
(c) Alyosha.
(d) Ivan.

8. What does Mitya tell Alyosha that he did to Katarina's family to get her to marry him?
(a) Tricked them.
(b) Bribed them.
(c) Forced them.
(d) Blackmailed them.

9. What does Mitya say the Karamazov brothers share that creates storm within their souls?
(a) A sensual insect.
(b) A murderous intent.
(c) A tornado.
(d) A deep desire.

10. What is the name of the monk who is an opponent of Zosima?
(a) Mussyalovitch.
(b) Alyosha.
(c) Pytor.
(d) Ferapont.

11. What is the first name of the father of the Karamazov family?
(a) Agrafena.
(b) Maximov.
(c) Grigory.
(d) Alexie.

12. Which of the following things is not at the party at the tavern where Mitya visits Grushenka?
(a) Drinking.
(b) Candles.
(c) Fighting.
(d) Women singing and dancing.

13. Who has not arrived for the meeting with the Elder in Part 1, Book 2, Chapter 1?
(a) Ivan.
(b) Mitya.
(c) Alyosha.
(d) Fyodor.

14. How many sons does Fyodor have from his marriages?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 4.

15. What does Katarina announce that she is going to devote her life to do in regards to Mitya in Book 5, Chapter 5?
(a) Make him happy.
(b) Make him a better man.
(c) Make him rich.
(d) Make him famous.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Katarina and Grushenka act like when Alyosha visits them in Part 1?

2. What did Ivan write an article about that gains wide acceptance and makes him famous?

3. Who does Mitya spend all of the money on that Katarina gave to him?

4. What is Zosima's body placed in after he has passed away?

5. Who does Fyodor ask about when he awakes in Book 3, Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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