Bring Up the Bodies Test | Final Test - Easy

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Bring Up the Bodies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Cromwell receives blankets of what color in Part One, Chapter 3: Angels?
(a) Blue.
(b) White.
(c) Purple.
(d) Black.

2. The members of which family shout their own last name in the moments they think Henry is dead?
(a) Norris.
(b) Boleyn.
(c) Smeaton.
(d) Seymour.

3. Which river is said to be nearly overflowing its banks in Part One, Chapter 3: Angels?
(a) The Rhine.
(b) The Yangtze.
(c) The Nile.
(d) The Thames.

4. Cromwell is on his way to what location when he hears news of Anne's miscarriage?
(a) Stepney.
(b) Greenwich.
(c) Kimbolton.
(d) London.

5. Cromwell receives blankets and a flask from a supporter in which country?
(a) Belgium.
(b) France.
(c) Spain.
(d) Ireland.

6. Who tells Cromwell about the details and circumstances of Anne's miscarriage?
(a) Jane Rochford.
(b) Smeaton.
(c) Jane Seymour.
(d) Mary Shelton.

7. How many years before the events of Part Two, Chapter 1: The Black Book had Henry sustained a leg injury while jousting?
(a) 10.
(b) 15.
(c) 5.
(d) 20.

8. When Chapuys discusses Mary's blood, he uses what adjective to describe it, in addition to naming a nationality?
(a) Ready.
(b) Royal.
(c) Proud.
(d) Ancient.

9. Chapuys uses the term "bastard" (149) to describe which character?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Mary.
(c) Anne.
(d) Cromwell.

10. Cromwell realizes in Part Two, Chapter 1: The Black Book that everything he has and is depends upon which character?
(a) His father Walter.
(b) The Pope.
(c) Henry.
(d) Wolsey.

11. What nickname does Fitzwilliam call Cromwell?
(a) Chump.
(b) Crimp.
(c) Crumb.
(d) Clod.

12. In which month does Cromwell travel to Greenwich and hear a lot of news along the way?
(a) September.
(b) January.
(c) April.
(d) June.

13. Cromwell remarks that Ireland has seen more peace this year than in the last how many years?
(a) 20.
(b) 10.
(c) 40.
(d) 30.

14. Cromwell states that the Tudors are all what "from their cradle" (148)?
(a) Brave.
(b) Warriors.
(c) Angry.
(d) Talented.

15. What is the name of Anne's jester who has dwarfism?
(a) Cremuel.
(b) Lamanuel.
(c) Halamuel.
(d) Semuel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Part Two, Chapter 1: The Black Book takes place from January to April of which year?

2. Cromwell receives a flask of what type of drink in Part One, Chapter 3: Angels?

3. When Cromwell finds that Anne has been crying, she tells him that her dog had been killed in what manner?

4. When Rafe thinks about Henry's dual nature, he considers which late character's comment that dealing with Henry is "like sporting with a tamed lion" (208)?

5. Which weapons does Mantel use in a simile describing the Christmas star Cromwell stares at in Part One, Chapter 3: Angels?

(see the answer keys)

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