The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the drummer feeling as danger approaches?
(a) Bravery.
(b) A sense of fun.
(c) Terror.
(d) Increasing bewilderment and anxiety.

2. Where is the only person who will fight Scratchy?
(a) Out of town.
(b) At the train station.
(c) In the bar.
(d) At home.

3. What did the couple do before boarding the train?
(a) Bought a house.
(b) Got married.
(c) Had breadfast.
(d) Visited their mother.

4. When the bride is nervous, what does Jack tell her?
(a) That he is rich.
(b) That everything is O.K.
(c) That she looks beautiful.
(d) That they can stay on the train and not get off.

5. Why did Jack go to San Antonio?
(a) To meet his bride.
(b) To buy a watch.
(c) To buy some land.
(d) For a business meeting.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the station-agent do when he sees Jack?

2. What is the reaction of the Mexicans in the bar when they hear about Scratchy?

3. Why does the bride become anxious?

4. What are the people of Yellow Sky unaware of regarding Jack's life?

5. How do the people of Yellow Sky feel about Jack?

Short Essay Questions

1. How quickly do you think this couple made the decision to be married?

2. Explain the significance of the Mexicans in the bar.

3. How does the author describe the man at the railway station? What does his description tell us about the weather that day?

4. Why does Jack refer to his wife as "girl?" What does this tell us about him? Is this an endearment? Why? Why not?

5. Describe the bride's dress. Do you think this is her wedding dress? Why? Why not? Is this a dress she wears every day?

6. The groom mentions the price of $1.00 for a meal and the bride is astonished at the high price, worrying that they may not be able to afford such an extravagance. What does this tell us about the bride and groom.

7. Why does the man in the bar ask for a drink from the barkeeper and then swallow it down? Does this action seem out-of-place? Overly dramatic? Why? Why not?

8. When seated behind the bar, the barkeeper seems quite comfortable with this situation. Why?

9. What is the author telling us by the use of the word "ain't" by the bride?

10. What is the drummer's reaction to Jack's job? Do you get the sense that this is unusual for the drummer? He is a traveling man, but is not prepared for this. What does this say about the town of Yellow Sky?

(see the answer keys)

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