The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What defining features do Scratchy's boots have?
(a) Gilded imprints.
(b) Gold buttons.
(c) Hand-sewn ribbon.
(d) Gold thread.

2. What does Scratchy say when Jack tells him of his morning?
(a) "It's all off then."
(b) "Then go inside and get your guns."
(c) "I don't care. I'll shoot you anyways."
(d) "You're a coward."

3. How does Jack introduce his wife to Scratchy?
(a) "I'll introduce you to my wife when you are sober."
(b) "May I introduce my wife?"
(c) "This is my wife. Don't you ever speak to her again."
(d) He doesn't.

4. What is Scratchy not a student of?
(a) Gunfighting.
(b) Chivalry.
(c) Ethics.
(d) Marriage.

5. What does Scratchy do to scare the dog?
(a) Shoots an arrow near him.
(b) Shoots at the ground near him.
(c) Kicks him.
(d) Shoots out the bar windows.

6. What is the beauty of the train a symbol for in Jack's mind?
(a) The purity of his job.
(b) The stillness of the town.
(c) The newness of the marriage.
(d) His simple home.

7. Scratcy's yelling is met by what on Main Street?
(a) The men in the bar yelling back.
(b) Silence.
(c) The dog barking.
(d) Shooting.

8. What does Jack do with his suitcase when he sees Scratchy?
(a) Holds the handle tightly.
(b) Gives it slowly to his wife.
(c) Drops it to the ground.
(d) Slowly lowers it to the ground.

9. Why does Scratchy feel he has the right to shoot Jack?
(a) He has to settle the score.
(b) Because Jack owes scratchy money.
(c) Because Jack shot and killed his brother.
(d) Because Scratchy got Jack his job.

10. At the end of Chapter 3 Scratchy is in the deepest rage over what?
(a) Jack's refusal to fight.
(b) The immobility of the hosue.
(c) Jack's hiding in the house.
(d) Jack's chickens.

11. When does Scratchy first notice the bride?
(a) When they round the corner.
(b) When Jack tells him that he is married.
(c) When he shoots Jack.
(d) When she screams.

12. Since nobody is opening the door to the bar, where does Scratchy decide to go?
(a) To the train station.
(b) To the river.
(c) To the cabin.
(d) To Jack's house.

13. Scratchy walks with the creeping movement of what?
(a) A beaver.
(b) A deer.
(c) A midnight cat.
(d) A buffalo.

14. What does Scratchy hold in each hand?
(a) A blue-black revolver.
(b) A Winchester shotgun.
(c) A small pistol.
(d) A dueling sword.

15. As Scratchy walks away from the bar, what is he humming?
(a) A folk song.
(b) Apache scalp music.
(c) Christmas music.
(d) French violin music.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Scratchy accuse Jack of trying to do?

2. When Scratchy confronts Jack, how much does Jack move backwards?

3. How does the author describe the walking pattern of the couple heading toward home?

4. What is the distance between Scratchy and Jack when they meet?

5. Where does Scratchy find the piece of paper?

(see the answer keys)

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