Brazzaville Beach Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brazzaville Beach Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the group of scientists receive that will make completing the study of chimps possible?
(a) A grant.
(b) A private donation.
(c) A loan.
(d) An endowment.

2. What does someone want to purchase from a Syrian friend?
(a) A run down beach cottage.
(b) A zoo.
(c) A five star hotel.
(d) A car.

3. After their confrontation, what does Hope get her husband before bed?
(a) Warm milk.
(b) Sleeping pills.
(c) A magazine.
(d) A book.

4. Who says John and Hope should end the farce of their marriage?
(a) Mallabar.
(b) Hope's mother.
(c) Hope.
(d) John.

5. According to Hope, which "time" becomes more important as a person ages and matures?
(a) Internal time.
(b) Private time.
(c) Personal time.
(d) External time.

6. According to Hope, what is "civil time?"
(a) Time used to describe post-prehistoric days.
(b) Military time.
(c) That of clocks and civilization.
(d) Prime time TV hours.

7. Who makes the MIG-15's in the story?
(a) The Chinese.
(b) The Americans.
(c) The Russians.
(d) The Iranians.

8. Who gives the nearby river a name?
(a) Vail.
(b) Hope.
(c) Mallabar.
(d) Clovis.

9. Which old chimp was brutally beaten and left for dead?
(a) Clovis.
(b) Mr. Jeb.
(c) Crispina.
(d) Darius.

10. Where does Usman keep his good luck charm?
(a) In his shirt pocket.
(b) In his sock.
(c) In the cockpit of his plane.
(d) Around his neck.

11. What is Lena's new baby named?
(a) Boho.
(b) Baja.
(c) Bobo.
(d) Bozo.

12. After the big news about funding, who goes on a supply run?
(a) Mallabar.
(b) Rita.
(c) Vail.
(d) Hope.

13. Who is noted in the book for saying, "Never be too happy?"
(a) Chris.
(b) Usman.
(c) Hope.
(d) John.

14. After the big news, whose turn is it to make the supply run?
(a) Clovis'.
(b) Mallabar's.
(c) Vail's.
(d) Unknown.

15. Who is Jenny Lewkovitch?
(a) Another researcher.
(b) A college instructor.
(c) John's lover.
(d) Hope's landlady.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which territory of chimps is Hope assigned to study?

2. Who announces the big news to the scientists once Hope returns to camp after making her disturbing discovery?

3. Who maintains the incomplete luxury hotel at which the researchers vacationed?

4. Whose murder does Hope witness in the southern region?

5. When Hope decides to leave the researcher holiday early, with whom does she return to camp?

(see the answer keys)

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