A Boy Called H Test | Final Test - Easy

Kappa Senoh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Boy Called H Test | Final Test - Easy

Kappa Senoh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does H decide to help with his family's financial problems?
(a) By searching debris for valuables.
(b) By working part-time at a noodle shop.
(c) By moving out of the apartment.
(d) By selling sketches to soldiers.

2. For which bird is H's workplace named?
(a) The crane.
(b) The raven.
(c) The phoenix.
(d) The dove.

3. What does Mrs. Tazaki want to swap her sweet potatoes for?
(a) Rice.
(b) Figs.
(c) Fresh eggs.
(d) Barley tea.

4. Why doesn't Sugita want the rifles given to the Americans?
(a) The rifles are a symbol of the rifle club.
(b) The rifles are valuable.
(c) The Americans will use them against the Japanese.
(d) Sugita wants to keep them as souvenirs of the war.

5. Why is it suggested that Morio deserves a medal?
(a) He captures a runaway American soldier.
(b) He signs up to go to the front.
(c) He turns a neighbor in to the military police.
(d) He saves two people from a fire.

6. What shocks H about the artists he meets?
(a) Their appearancs.
(b) The amount of money they make.
(c) The amount of alcohol they drink.
(d) Their political views.

7. What do H and his friends drop from the roof of the school?
(a) Sweet potatoes.
(b) Rocks.
(c) Milk cartons.
(d) Balloons.

8. What good news does H's family receive in Chapter 49?
(a) H earns an art scholarship.
(b) Uncle Hadano's health is improved.
(c) H's family is approved for municipal housing.
(d) Morio will receive a business grant.

9. What declaration is presented to Japan by the Americans?
(a) The Roosevelt Declaration.
(b) The Truman Declaration.
(c) The Potsdam Declaration.
(d) The Versailles Declaration.

10. Who do H and Yukawa meet at the armory?
(a) George.
(b) Sugita.
(c) Mr.Tamori.
(d) Sumiyama.

11. What does the American pilot have tucked in his boot?
(a) A gun.
(b) A map of Japan.
(c) A bible.
(d) Cigarettes.

12. How can H's family hear what the family next door says?
(a) The neighbors speak loudly.
(b) The walls are thin.
(c) H's family listens through an open window.
(d) The Senoh's apartment is very quiet.

13. What spurs H to storm out of the apartment?
(a) His father sells the sewing machine.
(b) His mother takes rice to the neighbors.
(c) His parents cancel their newspaper subscription.
(d) His sister draws in his sketchbook.

14. Why should H be patient with the children next door?
(a) H was young once too.
(b) Patience is the Christian way.
(c) The children's father died in the war.
(d) The neighbors' apartment is even more crowded than his.

15. Who do H and his workmates find hiding in the darkness of the lean-to?
(a) An old man and his grandson.
(b) A Japanese military officer.
(c) Two American troops.
(d) A sickly woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does H do at his new job?

2. Who does H hit with the rice pot lid?

3. What change are the Americans planning for Japanese schools?

4. According to a school instructor, how might American troops behave?

5. In Chapter 45, what does H think of his family's new housing?

(see the answer keys)

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