Boy Erased Test | Final Test - Medium

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boy Erased Test | Final Test - Medium

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Conley visualize sitting in the Lie Chair?
(a) David.
(b) Chloe.
(c) His mother.
(d) His father.

2. Where did Conley work when he was very young?
(a) In a prison.
(b) At a drugstore.
(c) At his father's cotton gin.
(d) At a coal mine.

3. What does Conley ask for when leaving Love In Action?
(a) His cell phone.
(b) His jewelry.
(c) His hat.
(d) His Moleskine.

4. Why does Conley's mother make an appointment with Dr. Julie?
(a) To make him gain weight.
(b) To test for cancer.
(c) To treat his pneumonia.
(d) To test Conley's testosterone levels.

5. What does Conley consider the most beautiful part of the church?
(a) The dove.
(b) The chandelier.
(c) The carpet.
(d) The pews.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does the Love In Action brochure contain?

2. What does Conley wear to his father's ordination?

3. Who leads the Lie Chair activity?

4. How does Conley spend his 19th birthday?

5. Whom of the following does Conley not see at his father's ordination?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Caleb tell Conley he should be?

2. Who are some examples of converts in Christianity whom Conley discusses?

3. How does Conley finally leave the Love In Action Program?

4. What event do Conley and his mother attend on Saturday, June 12, 2004?

5. Who was the first boy that Conley kissed?

6. What is the name of the chair in which Love In Action participants take turns sitting in the final chapter?

7. What did Conley do as a child with the cotton modules?

8. What novel does Conley's mother read, at his suggestion?

9. What is the class that Caleb encourages Conley to skip?

10. Why do Conley and his mother go to the Peabody Hotel?

(see the answer keys)

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