The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the contact for Carlos the Jackal from?
(a) Russia
(b) Cuba
(c) France
(d) Spain

2. What is coming from inside the armory that makes Bourne think something is taking place?
(a) Screaming
(b) Silence
(c) Smoke
(d) Loud music

3. What is Bourne amazed by when he meets the Russian trainees in the American sector?
(a) Their speech
(b) Their weapons
(c) Their manners
(d) Their clothing

4. What does Carlos use in order to move from one part of Novgorod to another without being detected?
(a) Fuel truck
(b) Tank
(c) An underground route
(d) Train

5. Where are David and Marie walking when Panov comes up to talk?
(a) Moscow
(b) The beach
(c) The armory
(d) Paris

Short Answer Questions

1. John St. Jacques thinks it will take four or five _________ to repair the facility.

2. To what does Jason compare Novgorod?

3. Where does Ogilvie travel to once he knows his family is out of danger?

4. Carlos the Jackal knows he is dying, but he feels the death of Jason Bourne will ___________.

5. Bourne manages to get __________ onto the plane before it takes off and a gunfight breaks out.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bourne learn from Dominique, who is still trusted by Carlos to do his bidding?

2. What does Krupkin do for the restaurant in the aftermath of the battle?

3. What does the Italian that followed the care of the CIA agents tell someone in New York?

4. How does Carlos manage to flee the scene of the shootout?

5. What does Peter Holland do in response to the report that Jason Bourne is dead?

6. How does Carlos find out where Alex and Panov are?

7. What does the persona of David Webb think about the shootout with Carlos?

8. Where are David and Marie walking when Dr. Panov shows up to talk to them?

9. What does Carlos believe about the death of Jason Bourne?

10. What does Dominique say she will tell Carlos in order to get him to Moscow where he can be traced more easily?

(see the answer keys)

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