The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Charlis Casset is challenging ___________ on his refusal to assist Conklin and Bourne.
(a) Pritchard
(b) Peter Holland
(c) Bernadine
(d) Morris Panov

2. What does Jason Bourne accuse Morris Panov of being?
(a) A member of the KGB
(b) A wimp
(c) A cheat
(d) The mole

3. When the persona of David Webb tries to emerge during the shootout, he worries about _____________.
(a) Whether this is the right thing to do
(b) Innocent people who might be hurt
(c) Whether he will be hurt
(d) Marie and his children

4. The connection in Moscow is General _______________, someone who is already in the government.
(a) Romandko
(b) Raskolinokov
(c) Rodchenko
(d) Radicchio

5. What is another code name for David Webb aka Jason Bourne?
(a) Danke
(b) Danish
(c) Dogma
(d) Delta

6. Who promises to guard the children after hearing about the leak from Bourne?
(a) Randolph Gates
(b) Bryce Ogilvie
(c) Alex Conklin
(d) Peter Holland

7. Where do Bourne and Marie drive to in Rambouillet?
(a) Cemetery
(b) Abandoned building
(c) CIA safehouse
(d) Cafe

8. Bourne brought up charges against others in his own unit after they murdered a ______________.
(a) Innocent family
(b) Japanese restaurant worker
(c) Vietnamese scout
(d) Young girl

9. What does Bourne offer to Krupkin in order to get into Novgorod?
(a) Control of Medusa
(b) $1 million
(c) His identity
(d) His black book of contacts

10. Who tried to kill Bourne at the location in #92, just 13 years ago?
(a) Alex Conklin
(b) Morris Panov
(c) Carlos the Jackal
(d) Peter Holland

11. Though Alex has alerted the __________ to guard all the exits, Carlos still manages to escape.
(a) Hotel management
(b) KGB
(c) CIA
(d) MI-6

12. Who meets Alex Conklin and Jason Bourne at the airport when they arrive?
(a) Krupkin
(b) General Rodchenko
(c) Benjamin
(d) Peter Holland

13. Carlos the Jackal knows he is dying, but he feels the death of Jason Bourne will ___________.
(a) Give him peace
(b) Renew his life
(c) Make his death peaceful
(d) Let him relax

14. What message do Bourne and the others receive when they arrive at their 'secure' hotel?
(a) That Marie is there too
(b) None
(c) To leave immediately
(d) That the Jackal is dead

15. ____________ has disappeared and is assumed to be dead since the KGB came looking for him.
(a) Peter Holland
(b) Cactus
(c) Jason Bourne
(d) Krupkin

Short Answer Questions

1. Sulikov arranges for Ogilvie and his family to escape. Where does the family escape to?

2. What is Bourne amazed by when he meets the Russian trainees in the American sector?

3. Who is NOT at the cemetery meeting?

4. Morris Panov and Alex Conklin remark on the ____________ of evil that led to the discovery of Medusa as they chased Carlos.

5. The contact of Carlos warned him 30 years ago that he was going to be liquidated by ___________.

(see the answer keys)

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