Boule de Suif Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boule de Suif Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During their trip from Totes, why does Boule de Suif want to open her lips "to shriek the truth at them, to overwhelm them with a volley of insults"?
(a) Because they were laughing and pointing at her.
(b) Because they were lying and stealing from her.
(c) Because they were throwing food and shouting at her.
(d) Because they were eating and ignoring her.

2. In the coach on their departure from Totes, what is Madame d'Etrelles' two talents that are discussed?
(a) Singing; cooking.
(b) Cooking; gardening.
(c) Drawing; singing.
(d) Gardening; drawing.

3. Who declares after they take their seats in the coach for their departure from Totes, "What a mercy I am not sitting beside that creature!"
(a) Monsieur Carre-Lamadon.
(b) Cornudet.
(c) Madame Loiseau.
(d) Comtess de Breville.

4. Where did Loiseau get the object he takes out in the coach on their departure from Totes?
(a) The inn in Paris.
(b) The inn in Totes.
(c) The inn in Marseille.
(d) The inn in Rouen.

5. Who asked suddenly as they retrace their steps on the second day of Totes, "if that trollop were going to keep them waiting much longer in this Godforsaken spot"?
(a) Loiseau.
(b) Cornudet.
(c) Madame Carre-Lamadon.
(d) The Count.

6. What is the song Cornudet begins to hum in the coach at the end of "Boule de Suif" about?
(a) Longing for the past and hope for tomorrow.
(b) Romantic illusion and first heartbreak.
(c) Poetic beauty and divine right of nature.
(d) Love for one's country and fighting for freedom.

7. In the coach on their departure from Totes, who "sat still, lost in thought"?
(a) Boule de Suif.
(b) Loiseau.
(c) Comte de Breville.
(d) Cornudet.

8. When the church bell summons the faithful on the third morning in Totes, what does Boule de Suif think about that convinces her to attend the ceremony?
(a) Her own wedding in Yvetot.
(b) God's mercy on the poor and weak.
(c) Her own child being rasied by peasants.
(d) The fallen soldiers from the war.

9. In the coach from Totes, Cornudet _____like a man who had just thought of a good _______.
(a) Frowned; plan.
(b) Smiled; joke.
(c) Smiled; idea.
(d) Frowned; plan.

10. What is the subject Monsieur Carre-Lamadon is discussing with his companion in the coach from Totes?
(a) Politics.
(b) Business.
(c) Religion.
(d) War.

11. What do the nuns do in the coach on their departure from Totes?
(a) Read.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Pray.
(d) Eat.

12. What is the Prussian officer's response to their question about detention on the third day in Totes?
(a) He told Monsieur Follenvie that he would agree.
(b) He asked Monsieur Follenvie to fetch the men.
(c) He showed Monsieur Follenvie the door.
(d) He required Monsieur Follenvie to return with money.

13. Why does the person who appears suddenly at the end of the street on the second day in Totes walk with in a peculiar motion with knees apart?
(a) So as not to soil their overcoat.
(b) So as not to appear defeated.
(c) So as not to soil their boots.
(d) So as not to appear bored.

14. What does Loiseau suggest the company should ask the officer after Boule de Suif leaves for church on the third day in Totes?
(a) They should ask the officer to detain Boule de Suif only and let the rest depart.
(b) They should ask the officer to let the entire company depart.
(c) They should ask the officer to detain them only and let Boule de Suif depart.
(d) They should ask the officer to detain half of the company and let the rest depart.

15. What object does Loiseau take out in the coach on their departure from Totes, that is "thick with the grease of five years' contact with half-wiped tables"?
(a) A box of cigars.
(b) A flash of liquor.
(c) A pack of cards.
(d) A bound Bible.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who "remained apart from the rest, taking no share in the plot" of persuading Boule de Suif to sleep with the Prussian.

2. How do the passengers respond when Boule de Suif arrives at the coach for their departure?

3. On their walk the second day in Totes, why does the Count tell Loiseau that "we should be pursued at once, overtaken in ten minutes, and brought back as prisoners at the mercy of the soldiery"?

4. Who breaks the "painful silence" in the coach as they began on their departure from Totes?

5. Who is the "creature" the person is referring to in the coach from Totes?

(see the answer keys)

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