Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Tammet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Tammet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Daniel decide to publicly recite as many digits in the number pi as he could to beat a record?
(a) To raise money for autism research.
(b) To raise money for the National Society for Epilepsy.
(c) For a documentary he was making.
(d) To impress Neil.

2. Daniel sees a tarakona in his kitchen. What is that?
(a) A cockroach.
(b) A mouse.
(c) An ant.
(d) A grasshopper.

3. What job does Daniel interview for and not receive?
(a) A library position.
(b) A social worker.
(c) A translator.
(d) An English tutor.

4. How many hours did it take Daniel to publicly recite pi?
(a) One.
(b) Five.
(c) Four.
(d) Nine.

5. What does the National Autistic Society in England suggest as a fairer alternative to a job interview for autistic people?
(a) Good references.
(b) A résumé.
(c) A telephone call.
(d) A work trial.

6. How do Neil and Daniel try to encourage their cat, Jay, to learn social skills and become more approachable?
(a) They hire a trainer.
(b) They buy a kitten.
(c) They get a puppy.
(d) They send Jay to a pet camp.

7. In what city did Daniel meet with Kim Peek?
(a) Salt Lake City.
(b) San Diego.
(c) New York.
(d) Seattle.

8. What type of language does Daniel find most confusing because of his Asperger's?
(a) Idiomatic language.
(b) Foreign language.
(c) Symbolic language.
(d) Semantic language.

9. What is the documentary about Daniel titled?
(a) Born on a Blue Day.
(b) Daniel Tammet.
(c) Brainman.
(d) Savant Syndrome.

10. What was the toughest part of the challenge to learn Icelandic for Daniel?
(a) The long words.
(b) The syntax.
(c) The erratic language.
(d) The time pressure.

11. What is the value of pi?
(a) 3.125
(b) 3.16
(c) 3 1/7
(d) 4(8/9)

12. What is Daniel's apartment like in the new country where he volunteers?
(a) Newly built.
(b) Tiny.
(c) Decrepit.
(d) Spacious.

13. What is Daniel's assignment for the volunteer organization?
(a) Social worker.
(b) Farming instruction.
(c) Math teacher.
(d) English teacher.

14. Why does Daniel's brother, Steven, require a lot of help from his family?
(a) He has leukemia.
(b) He has Asperger's Syndrome.
(c) He has a rare disease.
(d) He is severely autistic.

15. Who becomes Daniel's closest friend in Lithuania?
(a) BirutÄ—.
(b) Inga.
(c) Neil.
(d) Olga.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Daniel is interrupted during the interview with a question, what is his first reaction?

2. What conversational tactic has Daniel used over the years that does not work well within his relationship with Neil?

3. In what experiment did Daniel participate with Dr. Gary Morgan in 2005?

4. How was Daniel able to win at Blackjack?

5. In Chapter 8, Daniel mentions one social situation that caused him great anxiety. What was that?

(see the answer keys)

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