Bone Gap Test | Final Test - Medium

Laura Ruby
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bone Gap Test | Final Test - Medium

Laura Ruby
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is possibly Finn's dinner entree in "Questions"?
(a) Meat loaf.
(b) Spaghetti.
(c) Roast chicken.
(d) Tofu.

2. How does the kidnapper surprise Roza in "The Lamb"?
(a) He tells her they are moving immediately.
(b) He gives her a model of her hometown.
(c) He gives her a lamb.
(d) He tells her she is free to leave.

3. What does Roza inform Sean about in "Sunrise"?
(a) That she left because she wanted to get away from him.
(b) That she is helping the Chat 'n' Chew with their renovations.
(c) That he loves her.
(d) That she is moving in with him immediately.

4. What feeling does Roza enjoy seeing in her kidnapper in "Slaughter"?
(a) Love.
(b) Apathy.
(c) Irritation.
(d) Horror.

5. According to Miguel in "The Fields," what is the purpose of the scarecrows?
(a) To scare him and Finn.
(b) To serve as a gateway to the other world.
(c) To scare the birds.
(d) To scare the corn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Roza plan to do after her return in "Sunrise"?

2. Where does Sean take Finn in "Sidetracked"?

3. What does Finn wager with the Scare Crow in "The Fields"?

4. Why did Finn really want to sit in the back of the diner with Petey, according to the narrator in "Sunrise"?

5. Why do Mel and Petey go to the O'Sullivan house in "The Whole Picture"?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the chapter entitled "Crows," what do the people at the cafe seem to think about Finn?

2. In the chapter entitled "Slaughter," what does the icy-eyed man tell Finn after he finds Roza?

3. In the chapter entitled "The Lamb," how is the corn personified?

4. In the chapter entitled "Crows," why does Sean jog into the house?

5. In the chapter entitled "Sunrise," what is Finn surprised that Roza knows about him?

6. In the chapter entitled "Sidetracked," what are some general character traits that the people of Bone Gap, Illinois, seem to have as a whole?

7. In the chapter entitled "The Whole Picture," how does Petey justify to herself that she snoops around Finn's room?

8. In the chapter entitled "Sunrise," for what reason does Petey think that Finn and Sean's yard has been littered and vandalized with toilet paper?

9. In the chapter entitled "Slaughter," why does Roza slice her face?

10. In the chapter entitled "The Ballad of Charlie Valentine," why does Charlie not want his great-grandchildren around?

(see the answer keys)

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