The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Torey think is happening to Bo?
(a) He is being treated as a material witness.
(b) He has been taken to a jail cell.
(c) He is being fingerprinted.
(d) The police are beating him.

2. Of what is Torey occasionally accused?
(a) Stealing Chris Creed's lunch money.
(b) Murdering Chris Creed.
(c) Being too nice.
(d) Being condescending.

3. Did Mrs. Adams ever see the son again who was in the story she relates to Torey and Ali.
(a) Yes, he is a janitor at the college she attended.
(b) Yes while she is in law school.
(c) No.
(d) Yes, he is a senator from Maine.

4. What does Mrs. Adams want to know about Bo?
(a) If he actually got into the Creed's home.
(b) If Bo had ever been charged with a crime before.
(c) If he did well in school.
(d) If his father was in prison.

5. What does Torey do when Leo persists in questioning Torey about what Torey was doing on his computer?
(a) Torey tells Leo to bug off.
(b) Torey turns off the computer and lectures Leo about privacy.
(c) Torey show Leo the email he was writing.
(d) Torey socks Leo in the mouth.

6. What seems to be adversely affecting Ali's behavior?
(a) Her older sister moving out of the house.
(b) Her parents' separation.
(c) Her older brother's death.
(d) The new guy she's dating.

7. Who goes back to the basement with Torey?
(a) No one.
(b) Suzanne.
(c) Chris and John.
(d) Alex and Ryan.

8. Why did Torey hit Chris Creed?
(a) For touching the guitar Chris brought to school for show and tell.
(b) For singing a song out of tune.
(c) For leaning on Chris's new snare drum he brought to school.
(d) For blowing on Chris's new native American flute.

9. Why couldn't Alex rip Chris's map?
(a) The map was drawn on wood.
(b) The map was in Chris's GPS.
(c) Chris wouldn't let Alex hold the map.
(d) It was laminated.

10. Who are the "boons?"
(a) The men who distributed justice for the Mafia.
(b) Kids who were of mixed race.
(c) Kids whose fathers worked in the mines.
(d) Kids from the poor side of town.

11. Who comes to Ali's room when her mom and boyfriend are upstairs?
(a) No one.
(b) Bo Richardson.
(c) Ali's brother.
(d) Alex.

12. What does Torey wonder about as he listens to Chris's parents speak?
(a) How calm they seem despite Chris's disappearance.
(b) How they must be terribly scared.
(c) About whether Chris's parents killed Chris.
(d) How they were clueless about their son.

13. Who does Mrs. Creed believe murdered Chris?
(a) A drug dealer.
(b) A jealous kid at school.
(c) Her husband.
(d) A boon.

14. With what is Torey uncomfortable?
(a) Leo's scrutiny.
(b) Playing on the baseball team.
(c) Having to give speeches in his communications class.
(d) The girl in his math class who seems to like him.

15. Why is Torey glad to see Ali?
(a) He wants to ask for her help for his science project.
(b) He wants to talk to her about Chris Creed.
(c) He wants to ask her to the next football game.
(d) He wants her to sing with his band.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much has Chris withdrawn from his bank account?

2. What does Ali say Torey and she will have to do immediately if Ali's mom's boyfriend arrives?

3. What does Torey decide not to mention to Leandra?

4. What is the result of Leo coming on too strongly to other guys in trying to make friends?

5. Why does Torey get angry while the boys are discussing the times they hit Chris Creed.

(see the answer keys)

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