Blue Surge Test | Final Test - Medium

Rebecca Gilman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blue Surge Test | Final Test - Medium

Rebecca Gilman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Sandy meet Curt for their Friday night date?
(a) Because Sandy is embarrassed about how gross she had been all week.
(b) Because Sandy is at her stepdad's funeral.
(c) Because Beth had called Sandy to threaten her.
(d) Because Sandy wants to be with Doug now.

2. Why could Curt never have anyone over to his house when he was little?
(a) Curt didn't have any friends.
(b) Curt's mother never put her dogs outside, and it stunk.
(c) Curt's mother threatened his friends.
(d) Curt's mother yelled at his friends.

3. Why does Doug think the police will find what they are looking for at the massage parlor?
(a) Sandy has incriminating evidence.
(b) The people placing the complaints have proof of prostitution.
(c) A man on the inside will tell the police when to come.
(d) Heather says the girls have been dealing drugs.

4. What are the police looking for at the massage parlor in Act 2, Scene 6?
(a) Prostitutes.
(b) Drugs.
(c) Financial records.
(d) Solicitors.

5. In Act 2, Scene 2, why didn't Curt look for Sandy at the massage parlor?
(a) Because it wasn't Sandy's day to work at the massage parlor.
(b) Because Doug said he looked for Sandy at the massage parlor.
(c) Because Curt didn't think Sandy would go back there.
(d) Because Beth had asked Curt to not go back to the massage parlor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Curt helping Sandy in Act 2, Scene 5?

2. Why does Beth think Curt wants to be poor?

3. What interrupts the conversation between Curt and Sandy in Act 2, Scene 5?

4. What does Curt think the title "Blue Serge" means?

5. In Act 2, Scene 6, what does Curt reveal was his plan for the money he stole for Sandy?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Sandy go to for help before returning to her apartment to find the padlocked door in Act 2, Scene 2? What happens when she gets there?

2. How does Sandy react when Beth arrives at Curt's apartment and finds her there? Have examples from Act 2, Scene 1, support your answer.

3. In Act 2, Scene 5, what are Curt's reasons for stealing the money for Sandy?

4. Is there evidence to support the fact that Curt may be in some trouble after stealing the money?

5. Based on the description of the Act 2, Scene 1, setting, what can we assume about Curt and Sandy's sleeping arrangements?

6. What about Sandy's personality makes her horrified at Curt stealing the money? Use examples from the play to support your answer.

7. How does Heather react to what has happened with Sandy's apartment?

8. At the end of Act 1, Scene 8, what made Sandy change her mind about letting Curt help her find a new job?

9. What does Beth tell Curt in Act 2, Scene 3, that he needs to do regarding his childhood? Is there any evidence from the play to support her suggestion?

10. Is there evidence in the play to support Doug's feeling that Heather might be faking her interest in him?

(see the answer keys)

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