Blue Adept Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blue Adept Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Against what does Stile spell himself, in Chapter 10, to protect himself?

2. What does Stile permit Clef to do at the end of Chapter 9?

3. What will fulfill Stile's oath to end the Red Adept?

4. Why is Sheen worried about Stile in Chapter 9?

5. What instrument does Stile choose for Round Seven of the Tourney?

Short Essay Questions

1. What steps do Stile and Lady Blue take to ensure that the prophecy regarding Lady Blue will come true?

2. Why does Stile have to fight the Red Adept in the Proton fashion?

3. How does Stile demonstrate how much he cares for Sheen in Chapter 11?

4. What happens when Stile is shot at the end of Chapter 11?

5. What does Sheen do when she finds out that Stile married Lady Blue, and why?

6. Why is Lady Blue upset and angry with Stile at the beginning of Chapter 8?

7. What is shown on the holo-tape provided to Stile by the Rifleman, in Chapter 7?

8. What deal does Stile make with the androids at the beginning of Chapter 7?

9. How does Stile's contest with the Red Adept end?

10. What does the trap that Hulk and Bluette are caught in tell Stile about his adversary?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There are many instances in which the characters use the Oracle's prophecies to guide their actions. What happens when they make conscious decisions based on what the Oracle said would happen? What happens when they try to go against what the Oracle prophesies, as in the case of the Red Adept? Why? Be sure to cite specific examples from the text to support your thesis.

Essay Topic 2

As a whole, the Adepts are a very secretive group. Why are some so reluctant to share their identities? Why are others so open? What would happen if the Adepts all chose to reveal their identities, and why? What are the results, both positive and negative, of their secrecy, and why? Be sure to cite specific examples from the text to support your thesis.

Essay Topic 3

Neysa and Sheen are not human, yet both fall in love with Stile. What are the major differences between the two characters? How does the fact that they are not human affect their relationships with Stile? What else do they have in common? How does Stile treat them, as opposed to women of his own kind, and why? Be sure to cite specific examples from the text to support your thesis.

(see the answer keys)

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