Blood-Burning Moon Test | Final Test - Medium

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Blood-Burning Moon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 43 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the white people do after seeing Bob with his throat cut?
(a) Form a mob and burn the town.
(b) Form a mob and lynch Tom.
(c) Form a mob and protest in the street.
(d) Form a mob and shoot Tom.

2. What does Bob hear the men talking about at the campfire?
(a) What Mr. Stone will do to Louisa when he finds out about Bob and Louisa.
(b) What Tom will do to Bob if he finds out about Bob and Louisa.
(c) What Bob will do to Tom if he finds out about Tom and Louisa.
(d) What Mr. Stone will do to Bob when he finds out about Bob and Louisa.

3. According to Tom, no man better try anything on Louisa - or what?
(a) They will end up on the end of his patience.
(b) They will end up on the ground.
(c) They will end up with his fist.
(d) They will end up on the end of his knife.

4. Where is Bob as Louisa and Tom talk about their relationship?
(a) On his way to Tom's house.
(b) On his way to work.
(c) On his way to see his parents.
(d) On his way to meet Louisa.

5. What two symbols are dominant in "Blood-Burning Moon"?
(a) Water and air.
(b) Fire and water.
(c) Blood and fire.
(d) Blood and air.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Bob, why is his dream of a different relationship with Louisa NOT possible?

2. After getting his throat cut, what does Bob tell the white people he meets?

3. Where is Tom as Chapter 2 opens?

4. How many chapters are in "Blood-Burning Moon"?

5. According to Tom, why can he give Louisa what the white folks can?

(see the answer keys)

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