Blood Water Paint Test | Final Test - Easy

Joy McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Water Paint Test | Final Test - Easy

Joy McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tassi tell Artemisia she was long before he touched her?
(a) A good girl.
(b) Damaged goods.
(c) A woman.
(d) A child.

2. What does Daniel's intervention in her case feel like at first for Susanna?
(a) Prolonged agony.
(b) Justice.
(c) Showmanship.
(d) Revenge.

3. Why do Judith and Abra laugh as they wait outside the gates of their city?
(a) Judith tells a funny joke.
(b) They think Holofernes's head is funny.
(c) Abra tells a funny joke.
(d) They can not believe the absurdity of their own situation.

4. What does Judith do with the Assyrian military leader to get him to let his guard down?
(a) Poses as his lawyer.
(b) Cooks for him.
(c) Seduces him and has sex with him.
(d) Poses as his sister.

5. Where does Artemisia hide when she flees Tassi in her studio?
(a) The closet.
(b) The outhouse.
(c) Her brother's room.
(d) The pantry.

6. What does Artemisia want to burn because Tassi has touched it?
(a) Her painting stool.
(b) Her easel.
(c) Her palette.
(d) Her brush.

7. What is one task Artemisia begins to do for her father in the studio following her mother's death?
(a) Grind pigments.
(b) Stretch the canvass.
(c) Boil glue.
(d) Paint backgrounds.

8. What does Artemisia's mother tell her Judith had to decide right before she killed the Assyrian military leader?
(a) Whether she wants to be a pawn or a queen.
(b) Whether she wants to be a wife or a servant.
(c) Whether she wants to wants to suffocate slowly through life or die quickly trying to accomplish something.
(d) Whether she wants to be a hero or a victim.

9. What does Judith say to the Assyrian military leader that prompts him to tell her it will be a shame to kill her?
(a) She has been posing as a male solder in his army.
(b) She is a woman of the Hebrews.
(c) She is his sister.
(d) She is a widow.

10. What does Artemisia tell Orazio that finally seems to change his mind about supporting her in charging Tassi?
(a) Judith told her to stand up for herself.
(b) Her mother's spirit told her to stand up for herself.
(c) Her mother believed in stories.
(d) Susanna told her to stand up for herself.

11. Who is the Assyrian military leader Judith ingratiates herself to?
(a) Molocha.
(b) Attila.
(c) Radicula.
(d) Holofernes.

12. How did Artemisia ruin a canvass when she was five or six years old?
(a) By painting on it without properly preparing it first.
(b) By getting dirt from her hands on it.
(c) By tearing it.
(d) By accidentally placing it too close to the fire.

13. What is Tassi's reply to Artemisia when she tells him they are done here?
(a) He can get away with anything when no one is watching.
(b) They will be done when he says they are done.
(c) They are done painting.
(d) She better watch her tongue because he is the one in control.

14. Why does Judith pause outside of her city's gates?
(a) She is thinking of running away.
(b) She needs to think what she will say if people do not believe she and Abra killed Holofernes.
(c) She is worried what her mother will say.
(d) She can not face her husband's ire.

15. What does Orazio tell Artemisia will happen if she pursues charges against Tassi?
(a) She will dishonor her mother's memory.
(b) She will have to become a nun.
(c) She will be put to death.
(d) She will be the one who will suffer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Artemisia focus on in her painting of Judith?

2. What does Tassi do to Artemisia's beloved painting of Susanna?

3. What is Abra's role in the murder of the Assyrian military leader?

4. What is the word on the street about Orazio's Susanna painting?

5. What does Tassi say about Artemisia's own Susanna painting the first time he comes to her studio after she rebuffs his advances?

(see the answer keys)

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