Blood Test Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Test Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Alex find Richard Moody's body?
(a) In the garage.
(b) On the lawn.
(c) In the Japanese garden.
(d) On the front porch.

2. What does Alex carry up his sleeve as he sneaks into the Retreat?
(a) Knife.
(b) Bolt cutters.
(c) Flashlight.
(d) Crowbar.

3. What does Alex say habitual liars often lace their stories with?
(a) Demitruths.
(b) Name dropping.
(c) Honesty.
(d) Good intentions.

4. Who once called the cherimoya fruit "deliciousness of deliciousness?"
(a) Mark Twain.
(b) Garland Swopes.
(c) Ezra Maimon.
(d) Ernest Hemingway.

5. What does Alex discover Matthias lied about buying from Mr. Swopes?
(a) Seeds.
(b) Apples.
(c) Cherimoya.
(d) Pineapples.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of fruit did Nona eat while trying to seduce Ezra?

2. Who does Nona tell Houten she told about their affair?

3. What does Raoul say oncologists face every day?

4. What does Alex find in a hidden compartment along with some drugs in Matthias' room?

5. How long has Ezra been living in La Vista?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Alex set aside the magazine he's reading while he waits for Ezra to speak with Raoul?

2. Why does Alex decide to follow the car he encounters as he leaves the Retreat?

3. Why does the optimism in Garland Swope's ledgers end in Volume X?

4. Why does Doug feel he, Nona, and Woody are a family?

5. What does Alex think about as he tries to fall asleep on his first night in the Bel-Air Hotel?

6. Why does Alex decide that Sheriff Houten isn't the right person for him to go to in order to get straight answers about the Swopes?

7. Why is Alex certain that Matthias lied about buying seeds from Mr. Swopes?

8. What condition is Raoul in when Alex goes to pick him up in La Vista, and why is he like that?

9. Why does Alex believe the diagnosis of cancer in their child must have been especially hard on the Swopes?

10. What reason does Ezra give Alex for leaving very quickly the first time he met Mr. Swopes?

(see the answer keys)

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