Blindness Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blindness Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many inmates are shot during the assault on the Thugs' ward?

2. In the first ward, who suggests and an armed assault against the Thugs?

3. What item does the Girl with Dark Glasses hide beneath her bed?

4. Why do the soldiers not shoot the blind inmates as they flee the quarantine?

5. What does the Girl with Dark Glasses not realize?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the sleeping conditions in quarantine now that all of the beds are full?

2. What plan does the Doctor's Wife and her band of companions develop after the asylum burns down?

3. Describe the old woman with insomnia in Chapter 9.

4. How does the Girl with Dark Glasses respond to the Man with the Eye-Patch's declaration of love?

5. What is the Doctor's principle argument for now trying to stop his wife from going to the Thugs' ward?

6. How do the Thugs take control of the food rations?

7. What is the general attitude in the other wards when food stops arriving at the main entrance?

8. Describe the Gaunt Old Woman that lives below the Girl with Dark Glasses' parents' apartment.

9. How does the first ward get its information of the outside world?

10. How does the Writer go about writing without his sight?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

If the novel Blindness is a parable, what is the lesson? Each of the surviving characters grows in a certain way from their experience in quarantine. What does the breakdown of their lives teach them? Cite examples for three of the surviving characters, noting how they behave at the beginning of the novel and at the end.

Essay Topic 2

Choose one of the following topics to discuss in essay form:

1.) What qualities - besides her ability to see - make the Doctor's Wife a good leader to the group after they leave quarantine? How does she develop these leadership qualities and what are their limits?

2.) What aspects of the government's plan prove to be erroneous? Do you think government officials lacked suitable leadership in dealing with the white sickness, or were events simply too powerful for any leader?

3.) Had a different person from the Leader of the Thugs had a gun and taken control of the food supplies, could the result have been positive? Could order, cleanliness and fair distribution come about, or does absolute power corrupt absolutely?

Essay Topic 3

The beginning of the novel is marked by a sense of helplessness and shame associated with the inability to see. Explore the unifying embarrassment characters feel in these chapters through the following:

Part 1) How would you describe the character of the First Man? Though we do not know anything of him prior to going blind, does he seem like a man used to asking for help? How does he respond to being helped home by the Thief and stumbling around his apartment?

Part 2) In what state are both the Thief and the Girl with Dark Glasses when they go blind? What - in both of their lives - are they hiding from most of the world which is impossible to hide when they are in this helpless state?

(see the answer keys)

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