Blindness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blindness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does the Doctor go blind?
(a) On his way to work the next day
(b) At dinner that night
(c) When he wakes up the next morning
(d) Immediately after leaving his office

2. Why don't the police arrest the Thief after he goes blind?
(a) They go blind themselves
(b) They take pity on him, since he is blind
(c) They do not know his car is stolen
(d) He pays them off

3. Who is kept in the second wing of the asylum?
(a) Medical staff
(b) The possibly infected
(c) Family members of the blind
(d) Blind inmates who are sick or elderly

4. When does the spokesman for the second ward say they will bury their dead?
(a) After dinner
(b) Overnight
(c) Tomorrow
(d) Never

5. The night after inspecting the First Man, who does the doctor talk with first about the case?
(a) His Wife
(b) Another Optometrist
(c) No One
(d) His Nurse

6. Who is not among the first group of inmates to arrive in quarantine?
(a) The First Man's Wife
(b) The First Man
(c) The Squinting Child
(d) The Girl with Dark Glasses

7. What does the government ask families to do as the epidemic spreads faster?
(a) KIll their blind immediately
(b) Keep their blind indoors
(c) Personally deliver their blind to quarantine locations
(d) Burn the belongings of any blind family members

8. In the discussion of organizing the first ward, which is not a suggested task to be assigned?
(a) Sweeping
(b) Medical assistance
(c) Food distribution
(d) Bed making

9. Who severely wounds the Thief?
(a) A Soldier
(b) The Doctor's Wife
(c) The Girl with Dark Glasses
(d) The First Man

10. What is the problem with the food at lunch?
(a) It never arrives
(b) There is not enough of it
(c) It is uncooked
(d) It has spoiled

11. How does the narrator justify the policeman's rudeness in interviewing the Girl with Dark Glasses?
(a) She does not pay taxes
(b) He is overwhelmed with blindness cases
(c) He has gone blind himself
(d) She is rude to him

12. Who pick's up the spade from the soldiers?
(a) The Doctor
(b) The Girl with Dark Glasses
(c) The First Man
(d) The Doctor's Wife

13. Why does the Thief believe he is in his dire situation?
(a) He molested the Girl with Dark Glasses
(b) He helped the First Man home
(c) He allowed himself to be taken to quarantine
(d) He stole the First Man's car

14. What does the doctor step on on his way to the lavatory?
(a) Feces
(b) Spilled food
(c) A puddle of blood
(d) A sleeping inmate

15. How does the Doctor's Wife gain access to quarantine?
(a) She pays off the driver
(b) She says she is blind
(c) She follows the ambulance
(d) She begs an attandant

Short Answer Questions

1. A crash of what type of vehicle requires the Minister of Transportation to issue releases about the epidemic?

2. What does the Ministry of Health require of the Doctor?

3. What does the Doctor's Wife find in a cupboard in the quarantine?

4. What are the inmates instructed to do after eating meals?

5. What mixes with the blood after several inmates are shot by the soldiers?

(see the answer keys)

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